♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, January 05, 2006

yo folks....well today is the day where i couldnt help but to feel proud of myself... ahuh i got my very first paycheck!! the feeling of satisfaction upon receiving my paycheck emerged sending me flying on cloud nine haha i know i might have sounded a little "jakun" but yeap i'm serious... hard work definitely pays off.. So hmm wonder what will i use the money for?? ahuh! certainly for my new year's stuff.. whee thinking of clothes, shoes, accesories, new year.. i'm definitely feeling high now.. ehehe... other then that.. yeap another working day .. feeling a little exhausted right now.. aiks but its still too early to turn in... ahaha one more thing!! something hilarious happened just now... lolx ... daddy picked my up from my workplace... and we headed to the nearby mamak shop... yeap its an open air one... eiks disastrous sial .. as we were happily enjoying out food, suddenly it started pouring heavilly... which left us stucked underneath the huge umbrella we were in.. waited and waited.. nope the rain did not stop...i got totally drenched.and to make matter worst! i have not finish my meal yet!!.. yeap tables and chairs all wet, theres even rain water in my food blek!!..After that, haizz .. without much choice... daddy ran back to his car to get his umbrella.. yeap an awesome dad indeed heh :P ...Other then that, SZEJIA PASSED HER THEORY TEST! whee hehe.... sonia started her first day at college.. hmm wonder how she is now... and yeap all of us are going the AEON tebrau city mall this sun whee hehe... this place is totally cool as it is filled with uncountable branded shops!! Thinking of roxy, quicksilver, Dorothy perkins, and ahh TOPSHOP one of my all time favourite.HEHE ITS JUST TOTALLY BRILLIANT!!....cant wait for that.. lolx okay okay i think i shall stop here.dont wanna sound like i'm some insane spasticated jakun chicken here :P. till then Karina OUT!