♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, February 21, 2006

okay i've been too busy to even write my blog entries.. well cant blame me as i've been totally busy with college and stuff.. speaking of college.. sigh! my everyday now is filled with stress, exhaustion, homeworks, tests and assignment!.Geez i'm having second thoughts actually. have i actually made the right decision? the decision to enter college so early when everyone else is still happily enjoying their holidays. But oh well i guess it's time for me to grow up. I'm such a useless bum. All i do is complaining all the time. I dare not deny that college is not something easy as i'm on my own right now. Things gets so much more difficult especially learning everything in the language i speak everyday but have not done much during my secondary years as we are forced to learn everything under a different language. I strongly suggest the government to re-arrange their education system and get students to master the global language well enough as preparations to further their studies. Colleges and Universities around the world requires our global language the most. Besides that it will put our country at a different level which enables us to compete with other countries as well. How awesome would that be?. Okay time to re-inact what i've done throughout the whole month. I would say that things have been pretty hectic as i've been given uncountable homeworks and guess what i'll be having test next week! how awfully bad is that? SIgh...Hopefully things will turn out much better then i expected. Other than that, another bad news! the SPM results will be out like in two weeks time.. Gosh i guess it will be another sleepless marathon for me.. lol I cant sleep when i'm nervous. Bad habit aih?. I shall turn back time and talk about chinese new year.. It was awesome!.. Finally i get to enjoy and not go to college. lolx went to my grannies house. Stayed there for a few days. Got to collect lotsa angpows and got to wear all my awesomely nice new year clothes. One more thing! my dad brought all of us to some sucluded area in the village where people plant vegetables, tapioca and some other stuff.. eiks it was terrible lolx.. wrong timing i should say as i was wearing high heels while walking on mud! almost fell on couple of occations lol.. In conclusion. I guess it was an eye opener after all. Cant deny that kids nowadays only gets comfort. They do not know much about sufferings. hehe. Move on to VALENTINES DAY. Another ordinary day for me. I have no idea why people make it so comercialise as VALENTINES DAY is not only meant for couples. It is also a day of love for friendship and family. Have been shopping on couple of occations as well.. with my friends. OH YEA! MY COUSINS FROM CANADA came over to my place. yeap they stayed over for quite some time and have been coming over almost every week. Their really cool.. and i mean REALLY COOL!.. have been having so much fun with them.. all the chat sessions, Playing sessions, outings and so many more! wow they certainly made up my whole month so much more brighter. They are very matured teenagers indeed lol.I went out for the very last time last week with nick as he was flying off to Aussie on last saturday.. aih seems like everyone's leaving. It was fun though. really enjoyed it. and this post certainly goes out to him. hey buddy hopefully your safe and sound over there in Aussie. I'll visit you as soon as possible and do keep in touch ya. Lastly, i'm going to talk about Chingay. Haizzz it was disastrous! lolx Cars were everywhere. As we were late, we got stucked in the middle of nowhere. Couldnt get out neither could get in haha.. Theres too many cars around us. Me, Christina and my cousins were chattign in teh car untill my dad finally gave up.. We ended up walking . As i was about to get out of the car, Guess what happened? I got stuck lol Half body in and half body out! ish the chair was to close to each other . I couldnt get in neither could i get out.. thankfully one of my cousin lended me a helping hand. lol but the worst part is after pulling me out i fell on him so hard.. whua.. and my mum called me a big fat lump! sobs evil bevil... oh well it was hillarious though... Here i am , another week of dreading college days.. okay i shall end my OH -SO- LONG POST... adious !