♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, March 06, 2006
when everyone else is expecting you to fall apart

*Banging head against the wall and running around like spasticated chicken.... Save me... okay again Kenneth, sing li and sin nee, these three amazingly smart people got like 17 over 20... WOW!! hmm wonder what did they actually did man?? drinking ABOTT GROW?? lol nah i guess it comes to the point that hard work definitely pay off... I'm just a little lazy i guess... DAMN!! gotta change that bad habit of mine if not i'll never ever get good grades... Hmm oh yea ENGLISH TIME!! always THE BEST PART lol... Miss Lucy is seriously one of the most interesting teacher i've ever come across.. lol she just creates a very fun atmosphere of learning... Indeed all of us enjoyed her class the most... Firstly, Yiki did his presentation on AIDS lol at least thats a new topic... ahem the highlight of the day was definitely Jia Wei's topic *Drum rolls yeap SEX EDUCATION..lol it was quite an interesting and gross one at the same time.. Why did i say it was gross... ?? Well it was because of his gruesome pictures which scare the hell out of teacher as well.. hehe okay at least it was better than the abortion pictures.. EWW i had problem eating after that particular presentation...Okay he did well so WELL DONE.. another people following Aaron and Kenneth's footsteps... Alright, we were discussing about all the topics on personnel writing... hiahiahia.. teacher was saying soemthing about her most ambarresing moment.. lol It was about 20 years ago.. She fell down at the wet market and went home with a wet backside.. Poor teacher aih.. There wasn't anyone willing to help her up.. okay this portrays how