♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, March 05, 2006
♥Love me or hate me
I dont care♥

heyo folks.. okay i'm still as busy as ever lol... hmm where shall i start.. well not gonna rant much about college...oh yea i finally did my blardy presentation... it was hell awful lol.. i suck in it actually. Hmm looks like the fear upon speaking to a crowd is fading quickly. Felt kinda relieved actually. I tought things might ended up differently.But oh well, not as bad as what i expected it to be. Sin nee did an awesome job. YOU GO GURL! hehe... and the highlight was definitely kenneth .. crap he have done sucha great job!... memorising everything and presenting it superbly.. indeed very IMPRESSIVE i must say... okay besides that my test.. oh yea my TEST! eiks.... well Chem was easier than what i expected... but ACCOUNTS STINKS lol.. i screwed it up totally.. ehehe blame it on my "last minute studying" great... "HOW HARD WORKING AM I" right!.. haizz I've gotta stop being a procastinator. I'm already in college but i'm still as lazy as ever!... sigh* i'm sucha freak lol..:P... Oh yea Marcus came over to our place again.. lol its was fun! was spent hours playing fowl words, pool, movies.. and yea we went to the church yesterday.. hehe we actually have to get that ash wednesday thing done... haha imagine us walking around with silver ashes sticking on our foreheads... ehehe... After church went dinner and then went shopping.. aiyah it was an exhausted day man... ehem we've done lotsa walking ... Up and down and that causes me to wake up like super di duper late this morning... yikes i'm having my maths test on tuesday! Cant believe this I totally sucked in it... I need a tutor! sigh... save me :P hahaha i'm whiney i know.... One more thing! darn streamyx stinks.... I've been having problems connecting to the internet especially during rainy days... GRR gonna complain badly... hmm see what are they gonna do about it... lol"MAKE THEM GIVE ME A NEW MODEM" lol i'm bad i know... was just kidding... Yippie! the holidays are coming ... Cant wait for that hehe... I'm a lazybum i know i know... :P one more thing "SPM RESULTS ARE COMING OUT ON NEXT MONDAY!" ahhh i'm freaking out right now... what is gonna happen>? what am i gonna get??? thinking of what i'm gonna get or how all my classmates are gonna cry on that day.. lolx yea we're gonna miss each other so badly especially now when eveyrone is going away... *sniffles... sad sad.. so saddening... oh well i shall end my post now.. till then! take care and bless me folks hehe :P
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 7:35 PM