♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, April 16, 2006

heyo folks! yeap again its been like almost a week since i've blogged.. Guess i've been pretty LAZY lately lol .. Couldnt even move my fingers .. Ahh i'm gaining weight!! Have been slacking so much.... grr I guess i'll never stop that whiney attitude of mine eh.. bear wiht it ya people lol...Hmm so what have i been up to this whole week?.. well as usual have been going to college, homeworks, assignments,eating, sleeping, hanging out with friends and oh yea i managed to catch quite a couple of movies throughout this whole week.. whee just love the feeling of my gorgeous sis coming back.. miss her so bad.. she bought me some goodies and i'm lovin it :P *winx ... okie apart from all that, the highlights will be the tiring, muscle aching, stamina losing badminton outing with ma classmates... Darn! cant deny the fact that i'm unfit grr.. cant blame me for that huh?? Havent been exercising frequently before this ehehe...Seriously regretted not following my mum to jog whenever she asked me to .. grr all i cared was my warm and cosy bed.. ahh gotta stop my lazy behavior if not i'll transform into a big fat lump very soon... ehehe:P Ahh if i were to rate the whole outing i will rate it as 8/10!! It was fun to see people smashing, sweating and even people chasing one another lol.... We should arrange for more of such outing whee!... Other than that i have been wtaching so many DVD'S with my sista... It was quite a fun week to be exact besides getting back all my "oh -so- terrible" results grr... Gotta put in much more effort for the next one i guess.. ehehe i;m such a procastinator...Oh yea HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!! went to church as usual... It was indeed a beautiful night as candles were lightened up, everybody was all dressed up and the newly baptised people... I was mesmerised by the soothing and brilliant voices of the choir team and the young folks who never fail to produce great performances... what and awesome night indeed.... although it ended quite late... as for today woke up late as usual hiahiahia....didint have much to do so here i am typing.. I would like to take this oppurtunity to congratulate MY INTERACT JUNIORS FOR WINNING THE NATIONAL LEVEL YOUNG ACHIEVERS AWARD!! WHEE... you guys have gained glory for SIGS... Finally something to be proud of after suffering so much in the past trying to make the club a success... Hard work deinitely pays off... Sharveen i you heard that???? Our hard work paid off!!...okay i shall end my post now gonna go out soon... adious!!

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 3:13 PM