♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, August 08, 2006
hey folks... i'm apologizing for the long long delayment of this post hiahiahia have been pretty busy lately.. rushing designs, homeworks, assignments.. I dont seems to have enough time to even rest.. Life shucks man lol .. I know i know it sounds so typical.. shouldnt bee complaining so much because i'm still at the beginning... oh well it finally occur to me that i'm old!! ahh lol. if only i have a time machine to turn back time and to live life as a young child once again.. o.. kay do bear with me as i'm currently infected by the mad curry symdrome... But seriously.. life seems so scary the more we grow.. Imagine: more obstacles, more stress, more challenges ... you gotta possess a real strong and mature behavior to defeat them... To be compared to a young child, they seems to have more freedom and more time to play. So pure and so innocent :P lol they wouldnt know what is going on in the outside world where war, terrorist, illnesses, crimes are happening. Ever wonder why are all this tragedies happening?? It is actually caused by our own wrong doings. These are the consequences we have to bear with.. Why are people killing one another just to get something which does not gurantee them happiness in life?? I dont want to touch anything on religion but you should at least learn how to accept and to respect one another and not to discriminate as well as try to conquer the world.. Evrybody have their own rights to choose a religion.. We should not force people against their own will to join... Other than that, the government should at least think of some ways to overcome this problems as well as decreasing the crime casses in out country.. Countries like singapore seems to have less crimes because of their law by law ruling system.. If they can do it, we can do it as well. I shall move on with cancer, why are poeple dying tragically of cancer?? i read a blog done by one of the cancer patients in malaysia.. he truthfully made me realise how lucky i am and to cherish everything i have in life..His blog have touch so many hearts in malaysia.. He described his whole painful experience of undergoing the healing process... Sadly, he passed away not long ago.. We should live life happily as we would not ba able to predict what lies in the future.. So , enjoy while you still can...okay enough of that if not people are going to die reading my blog.. Dont want it to turn out so boring....oh yeah.. i've finished with the T-shirt designs.... Ohh i sho love photoshoping.. hehe it gives me hope in life lol i know i'm crazeee.. It can do every magic a photo needs huahuahua.. i love designing!!! oh yeah i went to collect the consert tickets on sunday and guess what!!! I got the back tickets.Got so pissed and frustrated because i endured all the pushings, sweaty people( who apparently did not bath and brush their teeth that stayed overnite just for this thing), long queues and what we get!!! ahh i feel like killing all the 8tv peeps with a chainsaw.. lol oh well just going to force myself in the crowd hehe.. this time round i shall be prepared with hehe maybe a foldable stool, binoculars lol nah kidding not that crazy..ahaha.... Speaking about idolism, i'm now totally smittened and going crazy over one of the singapore idol finalist JONATHAN LEONG!! lol According to jason,"ALL HANDSOME DUDES ARE GAYS!!" boo to you man hes not lol... he have such a hawt body, great singing voice and also great style.. rooting for him all the way !!.. hehehe... i know, i know, you people are really pissed with me right now talking nonsense.. do bear with me hiahiahia.. okay okay i shall cut the rap now . gotta go now.. the owner is too lazy to continue :P adious!!
ps: sis love you too!! your so suweet to mention my name in your blog.. Just wanna tell you that your the greatest!!