♥ K a r i n a ♥
Friday, September 01, 2006
A perfect monthhola people.. well its been pretty hectic for me as days are filled with designs to be submitted, homeworks, studies, exams... darn why cant everything be much more easier? lol nope i shall not rant today because i'm hyper today.. its been been a pretty good week for me. oh yeah and i have to, i must talk about the police abusing cases in our country. I just recently saw a video on one of the news report which featured a couple of criminals being kicked by our very own police mens. Okay they might be criminals but dont you think that they are humans to and humans do grow out of mistakes.Punishing them doesnt allow a person to change and it might lead to hatred and there is a possibility that they will repeat the same mistake again in the near future. Other than that, yeah i saw click featuring Adam Sandler the other day. It was pretty meaningful although it might not occur in reality. It taught us a very important lesson which is to cherish all your love ones. Adam Sandler portrays a guy who have a great family but he sorta neglected them due to his eagerness to get a promotion lol..Rachel was giggling all the way because i was half sobbing and half laughing. It was indeed pretty hilarious. And and and i finally improved my skills in bowling. No more "drain sweeping more than two times" lol.. hey at least i tried yah. the phobia is still there eh jason. Oh yeah i've completed the student's ambassador's shirt design too. Its an edited one this time round. I now hold one major project now, which is to design a banner for an overhead bridge near one of the shopping center in johor bahru. Pretty stressed now. gahh i need inspirations, inspirations, inspirations.. *smacks head okay okay as for the progress test which have just ended last week was pretty a relieve because i've gotten what i've aimed for.. whee!! lol finally!.. and and and Miss lucy have planned with us a couple of activities which will be carried out. One will be the pot luck BBQ party we're having next week.. whee! cant wait.. i'm gonna cook a couple of food and we're goona parteyyy all night long.. The other one would be the Singapore trip after our finals. We'll be staying in a big chalet there.. Ahh everything seems so perfect ehh.. but before that i've got two major exams to handle..aih.. i'm currently having a four day holiday.Went to DEsaru yesterday. The trip was simply memorable as i went with my whole family. The boat ride was pretty boring as it was hell long. One hour imagine! lol Well i guess it all doesnt matter as long as i'm with them. and and and *slurp slurp* the food was brilliant! ehehe think i kinda gained two kg from that trip itself yikes *smacks smacks* Yeap yeap spent my merdeka day in desaru. It was pretty a waste as it was raining cats and dogs. It kinda like reduced the number of activities we could've done that day. aih aih. Went to the fruit farm too lol!.... Overall i likey like it.. whee!.. And yeah now i'm suffering from muscle ache. uhh whole body pain due to the extremely fun badminton and bowling outing today.. I have to exercise since i've been munching down so much of nonsense lol... and and yeah I FINALLY BOUGHT MY SISTER A BIRTHDAY PRESENT THAT SHE WANTED SO MUCHIE!.. It COST ME A BOMB man.. hehe she got sho sho happy and said that i was crazy to buy her something so costly. yeap its a box of dracula figurines. Other than that reminiscing the past reminded me so much of things that happened. Especially how i got myself feeling awful a few months ago.
It was another typical that. As i walk out of my tuition class, there at the corner stood a guy which i never have tought i would set my eyes on. Things was pretty much the same everytime i walk out of the class. He will be standing outside there. Then again and again i met him at various occasions. It was untill one day,came a yellow piece of paper with his number written on it given to one of my besties hoping that i would call him. I never really bothered to do anything as i didint know him well. After a couple of months we met again, this time round we were at the same study work shop. My friends have been attempting to make us talk to each other. Never did they know that it was pretty akward for me and him. Didint really have a decent conversation with him. Then it was the prom night of my high school. I was dressed in a white gown and matching shoes. Another shocking event for me as he came and we were sitting in the same table. With courage, we finally chatted. I felt pretty happy being able to get to know this pretty down-to -earth chap with great words which never fails to make me feel happy. After that we went out. We chatted so much. I got to know his past. But boy things sure didint work out well as he slowly drifted himself away from me. Told me something he shouldnt tell me. I felt awful as he lied to me on so many occasions. He moved on so fast with a new girlfriend. But, i'll never forget all the words, praises, sweet smses,the dance, the outings that we've had. It was simply so memorable as learnt a very important lesson which is not to trust a person too much and guys on the other hand, should not give out promisses when you are unable to fulfill it. I guess my heart will start beating again when i meet a guy who can bring me happiness and not break my heart in the near future. Till then i rest my case with a few pictures throughout this whole month. Adious.

This is from my sis

Aint she gorgeous? hehe our new little poney

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 9:46 PM