♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, October 17, 2006
hola folks, okay i know that i've abandoned my blog for such a long time. I shall roughly blog about events throughout this whole period. First of all, allow me to whine about how terrible the haze have been. How can i not complain when there are people falling sick, we're breathing in unhealthy air, buildings are almost not visible.. and and and so many more!. Indonesia should seriously carry out imediate actions to curb such unwanted problem. It seems like the neighbouring countries are the victims. I havent have much time due to the heavy heavy studying sessions. Since the finals are only two weeks from now, the pressure, tension, fear filled the atmosphere of sunway college. Havent seen them studying as hard as this before. Hopefully things will go on smoothly and everybody will pass with flying colours:P I cant help thinking about the holidays after finals! whee.... Everything is coming to an end and i'm leaving home soon. Well it is undeniably scary when you are on your own stepping out of your comfort zone. You are indeed exposed to the positivive and the
Last week was a pretty eventful week as we had a couple of bowling sessions and and and the birthday steamboat dinner lol. Yeap it was the double A day hehe.. Know whats that?? well actually both the birthday boys haven names starting with tthe leter "A".. Food was great. I totally gained some extra weight :P aih aih aih. need to think of ways on how to get back in shape again hehe..bought the cake and the presents for them. Spent like 3 hours designing their cards and wrapping up their gifts. ehehe DIY. Thats why it took longer. Cam whored! lol. Ehem* who doesnt like cam whoring. The two birthday boys got their face splattered with blueberry cake. Yumm lol poor dudes. The highlight of the event was definitely meeting someone we could never have imagined meeting there .. ahem our
The next day was definitely a fruitful day as we visited the orphanage. Glad that we managed to bring a smile back to their faces. lol Everytime you do a good deed bet you will feel the great sense of satisfaction. We played games, danced( err the shake butt song lol), talked to them and gave them presents. It was just so enjoyable and yet meaningful. HOpe to see them again soon hehe. Missed them so much(especially the baby girl) *screams! shes so so sho sho sho cute. We are lucky people as we dont have to go through what they are going through. Should be grateful and to cherish all the people around us but not take them for granted. Okay like is great *winks hehe:P.. Should not complain that much as we are not the one suffering the most.. Yeap we all went back happilly. Ate great lunch after that :P
Prom is coming up on december after the graduation high-tea event. Hmm ahem* the big question is who am i going with?.. lol sheesh i'm not sure yet. We'll see. I only have the finals in my mind right now. So better study and get everything done first before enjoying. I shall stop as it is dinner time right now. Have a great week people!:)
Pictures galore!