Couture ME <3


♥ K a r i n a ♥
Friday, October 27, 2006

And so the last day of college ended well enough with much satisfaction and emotions. I remember vividly how i first started my journey in sunway as a "freshie" without having any idea of how a college life would be like. A huge building image emerged as i got down dad's car. The rate of my heart beat was increasing dramatically and i felt millions of butterfly in my stomach. As days goes by, i slowly got used to the life of a college student. I've met a couple of people who have left footprints in my life. Its might have just merely been a short ten months but the experience i've gained is enough to put me through to a higher level in life. Which is to get into a University. I know that there are people who comes in and out of our life. I have learnt through mistakes. I have seen people from all walks of life. Now that i'm 18, there will certainly be more challenging occasions in life that i will have to face. Sounds pretty scary sometimes as more responsibilities will start coming in. Wait a minute! am i ready?.. I bet i'll definitely miss all the good old childhood memories. Everything during that time seems so relaxing and enjoyable. Purity and inocence filled our days during that time. We have such great imaginations of how wonderful life would be. Robots, magics, fairies.. Hmm does that sounds familiar to you?. A person can only be young once so we should treasure all things that comes in life and not try to waste our life by indulging ourselves in negativity. God have been kind enough to put in great people in my life to guide me through the darkest moments of life. I have the family that i truely loved. I have great great pals who i can count on. I've met so many incredibly wonderful people in life. I'm proudly to say that i'm all ready for the thoughest challenge i might face in life. Courage and persevarance is all we need to defeat them against all odds.
A message to all my fellow classmates.
From the very first day of college,
my heart beat was incredibly fast,
I've once fear of starting a new life in a new environment,
Just than, a miracle happened.
My mindset changed.
It happened when i met you guys.
All the group outings,
All the lunches,
All the laughters,
All the tears,
All the anger,
All the jokes,
These are everything i will carry along as i move on the journey of life.
We all know that everybody would have to go on our own separate ways,
This is the time when we make plans for our future.
This is the phase that all have got to go through.
I will not forget,
Will not forget anything.
Thank all of you for all the good times.
To all MUFY jan and march intake students. I sincerely wish you all the best in your future endevours. Keep in touch aite:P
By the way, we took many many pictures today. I will post them up after my finals.
Lastly yeah i would still like to thank all the people who made my birthday so memorable. lol
Part 2, haha
Jiajun, thanks for creating a blog entry specially for my birthday. Chauwei, thanks for you birthday testimonial. Really missed Mr lee's class alot. Thank you faridah and jenny for your testimonials. Theenesh, thank you for your belated sms lol.. Have fun in nilai dude. and and everyone who wished me on msn yesterday.. You guys rawks!!:P Take care and good bless

I love you all:P

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 4:53 PM

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