♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, November 27, 2006
Hey i'm back to update on our graduation ceremony on saturday. Everyone one that day was so smartly dressed. Ahem you guys look great hehehe. Got my certs. Saw the video made for MUFY... ARGH!! i certainly looked awful! lol... Haizz.. of all the picture to pick, they actually picked one when i was laughing out loud walking!!! *Hides face...... Anyways took lots and lots of pictures that day.. Gave the souveneirs to my classmates.. Hehe hopefully you guys like it aite.. Saturday marks the end of our MUFY journey. I definitely will miss the good old MUFY days :P I'm trying to apply for NTU singapore as well. If not i will be leaving JB for KL in approximately 2 months plus time. Phew time certainly passes real fast. Glad that some of my classmates are going there with me as well. I have great friends like Rachel, Szejia and some other people. I will definitely do fine:P Whua imagine!! new place, New surrounding, Hunks hehehehe..surely i'm looking forward towards going there.
As for prom, i've choreographed the dance steps for the performances. Hopefully it looks good hehehe... But i believe that Rachel,Shao chong,Hang tee and jia jun will certainly do a great job ...COZ WE ARE A TEAM!! hehehe.. I guess it will be a pretty busy day for us, as the student ambassadors and prom comittee members. But heck cares!! we're doing it for the sake of that certificate lol... I will be going to the prom with Aaron..My sis is doing my make up..Got all my stuff already.. Hopefully prom will be a BLAST!!..LET'S ALL SHAKE OUR BUTTS OFF!:P
AND and and boy i am totally addicted to movies and drama series:P. I've watched like five movies in two days time!!!.. hehehe all of it have their own uniqueness. I just love them all lol.. and yeah i went shopping with mum and sis again yesterday. Bought lotsa groceries there. Saw Xuan and Lily there too... hehehe Their sho sho so so adorable.
Okay then i shall cut the crap and post up some pictures hehe
Enjoy your week people!

This was taken quite some time ago when we were having lunch

Dinner at Tai Soon

A great great movie:So romantic. Ive watched this twice!!

Hillarious movie!! hehe the two four year old kids are so adorable:P

Cruel Intention:Not bad too. Its a very sweet movie

Ahem!! The exorcist.. It the very first exorcist i guess.. Its very very old and very very scary..Watched this yesterday

Hehe full of sweetness and romance

1 Litre Of Tears:Its a japanese drama. A very very sad one. You guys should check it out. Highly recommended.I dont usually fancy japanese dramas. But,this is an exception.

Smile Pasta!!:Haha its a very very cute,funny and romantic taiwan Drama. You guys should also watch this!!!

Nicholas teo looks hot in it!!
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 3:28 PM