♥ K a r i n a ♥
Saturday, December 30, 2006
After so long, this is still one of my favourite song. Love it. Its so romantic
Edwin McCain-I'll Be
The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath
Emeralds from mountains thrust toward the sky
Never revealing their depth
Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above
Chorus: I'll be your crying shoulder
I'll be your love suicide and
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life
Rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
You're my survival, you're my living proof
My love is alive not dead
Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache, that hang from above
Repeat Chorus
I've been dropped out, burned up, fought my way back from the dead
Tuned in, turned on, Remembered the things that you said
Repeat Chorus
hey hey hey I'm back for more pictures hehehe. Jason sent me more pictures recently but i havent have time to upload them hehe. By the way, I passed my theory test for driving and i've already started my pre-L classes. Which includes driving heheheh.. Tell you what! driving manual cars sucks haha and the problem is, WE have to use it. Cant we just like learn with auto cars. AIH if you relese the clutch too much or too fast, the engine will stop. LOL like how troublesome that is. hehe but anyways, i kinda enjoyed it!:P Driving is quite interesting. Me, jason, Rachel,Alvin,Jeane,Aaron,Selina and baby chrissy went to Singapore yesteday. Fuh tell you what it was a major disaster!. Firstly, We wanted to take the free shuttle bus to Orchard. But by the time the line got to us, there are no more seats available. Okay that wasnt so bad. SO we decided to take our own sweet time and have breakfast in Mc Donalds before heading to the custom. It was Raining cats and dogs. Sigh*spoiler man. We decided to go all the way to Vivo City at Harbour Front. Didint get anything as i wasnt in the mood to shop there. Just ate lunch at the food republic and visitted the really really huge pet store. Hehe gosh! The puppies there are so so so adorable:P Anyways wanted to take a cable car to Sentosa but some didint have enough cash with them so we decided to make our way to Orchard. Oh yeah bought lots of accesories from far east plaza. By that time, selina was at Heeren with Sujun and Chailyn. I had to meet up with them. Gosh it was a long walk there man. We have to like walk to the other end without unbrellas and everywhere was slippery. I felt coz i had to leave my friends there and follow my sis. *Sorry guys, i didint have credit at that time and my sis waited for me for one and half hours already. By the way you guys were great! Enjoyed shopping with ya'all. AND YEAH THE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DAY. We took and MRT back to Kranji at 6:30. There were already like hundreds of people waiting for bus. Since it'll be a long wait, We kinda like walked back from Singapore custom across the sea to Johor. Geez it was hell far! omg, i was traumatized by all the lecherous guys making noises,whisling and the car horns along the way. It was noisy!. And the worst thing was it was raining so heavilly. We got drenched. We had blisters all over our feets. It was undeniably the longest Singapore trip i've ever had. haha I broke my own record. Anyways thanks to that, i'm having flu right now. Stayed at home the whole day while Selina and Baby chrissy went out with Alvin. All I did was watch movies and lazing around hehe. Perfect right?. Then mum brought us to Plaza Pelangi to shop for new year’s eve. Mum bought this really nice red dress and shawl. Met Nicholas at Metrojaya. LOL. Great seeing him though. Kinda did a little catching up. He’ll be going back to Aussie soon. Take care dude:P. Going out with Thor on monday. Whee ladies shopping outing!! Till then take care folks. Gotta stop now. Stomach is calling out for food.:P cioaz!

Don\'t try to rush fate,
the best things come to those who wait
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 8:15 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, December 25, 2006

Holla.. Christmas eve was great. Went to City Square in the afternoon with christina to do my last minute christmas shopping. Bought a gift for Selina and mum. Hehehe. Spent quite alot again. The massive crowd there have definitely interrupted us a little hehe but heck cares. At least i've bought stuff that i'm supposed to buy. Sat a cab home. Mum was preparing our christmas eve dinner at home. The aroma filled the air. Everything that mum cooked tasted fabulous:P. Then we stayed at home. Watched "Elf" on channel 5. Saw hady and jon too on wish upon a star. Jon sang a duet with michell xie, who looked great with that blue little dress. Then we went to church for midnight mass. Christmas is definitely one of the time that i enjoyed the most every year. Got so many presents. Thank you selina and baby chrissy,joshua , mum and dad for all your presents. Love you all so much. No doubt family is still the most important in life. Other than that, thank you rachel,jason,sonia,xin nee,jeane,szejia,and the rest of the MUFYians for your presents and cards. hehe I exchanged presents with Shawn in church yesterday too. He he sorry for making you walk around to find me lol.. Tried to call you but you "tak perasan" LOL.. Alright. Thanks for the really cute pooh bear and the hug. HOPE ALL OF YOU DID ENJOY YOUR CHRISTMAS:P Glad to have you guys as my buddies. On christmas day itself.. hehe which was today, went for a buffet breakfast, shopping at "Plaza Pelangi", then went "danga bay" LOL bought a shirt and Speaking of danga bay!! It was hillarious going there. Haha you see, because christina wanted to sit this funny four person bike. We had to rent one. As we were on the road riding, there were people staring at us, laughing, or being curious. hahaha I couldnt stop laughing. So weird!!... Oh well it was a funny experience anyways. Alright then i'm going to watch girls out loud now. Take care and MERRY CHRISTMAS once again!!:P

Have yourself
a merry little christmas
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 9:48 PM
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