♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, January 08, 2007
Its a very romantic song *melts Oliver James have got this real great voice
Hey people i'm back for a post hehe.. Well last friday i went all the way to Monash University in KL to enrol. UHUH i'll be studying there for the next two years before heading to Australlia for my final year. Will be doing a major of communication and 2 electives of american pop music and culture& contemporary television studies. Sounds quite interesting. hehehe Sunway is no doubt for the rich kids. Theres even an Auntie Anne's pretzel, 1901 hotdog and San Francisco coffee at the cafetaria over there. I'll be staying at my parent's condo which is directly at the back of Sunway lagoon haha how convenient!.. Everything is just around the place. I dont even need to go far away. Well it is undeniable that the number of students studying there is simply amazing!.Unlike the JB campus LOL. So many of them. Just by walking around the university makes you giddy. Glad i'm starting everything afresh. New great things will start coming my way:P Hmm hope so... Will be taking a flight up to kl again for the orientation.. Yippie there will be a chance for us to get to know one another. New hunks and new babes hehehe
By the way i have been catching a lot of movies lately. Watched The Haunted Apartment which was pretty interesting. Well the movie wasnt so bad accept for the fact that the storyline is predictable. There are quite a number of creepy and gory scenes. Other than that, watched material girls,the last kiss,love wrecked and wedding crashers as well. Material girls was pretty good!. Hehe it was hillarious seeing the Duff sisters playing the role of the rich sisters. They became poor when their father's business went downhill. In order to save the business, They had to find ways to solve the problems and do things that they have never done before. ehehe Love wrecked was a cute movie. Quite romantic in a way hehe. Johnathan bennett didint really look hot here to be compared to Mean girls. Amanda Bynes is hot as usual haha But i didint like jason and Alexa Yucks. hehe The last kiss wasnt so bad neither is was good. Quite a lot of obscene scenes. I bet the Malaysian film board is going to cancel those parts if it was shown here. LOL. Wedding crashers on the other hand was pretty funny hehehe! but its full of obscenity as well.. Rachel MC adams as usual looks gorgeous hehe I love the notebook! *melts. Owen wilson looks cute but vince vaughn is so not my cup of tea hehe..
I've just read a book on the ouija board, Tarot cards, Channelling, Seance, Automatic writing,Beyond writing,The coin game and other kinds of activities to talk with the dead. Some people tries it out of curiosity, some wants to find out their future, and some wants to seek for their passing love ones. I must say that we shouldnt even try our hand on all these. It can lead to serious consequences. It can go terribly wrong when a spirit refuse to leave after being summoned. There are many cases of people being possessed by spirits or demons after contacting them. Depnding on what religion you believe in. There's no gurantee that exorcism will work. Often they dont. Although i'm a big fan of horror novels myself, I definitely will not try them out. Your risking your life. We should let things go on naturally and not be eager to find out what our future holds. What is the point of finding out the future? If it shows a negative sign, we will be spending our life worrying about the future. Why waste life like that?. Might as well live our everyday life happily.
Oh yeah!! i came across the "Cuppacake" website yesterday from Joyce the blue fairy's xanga. Ahh the mini cup cakes they sell looks so so so adorable!! LOL they actually design for all occasions. omg! I so want to grab some cup cakes when i go up to KL!! hehehehe From valentines to christmas, everything looks awesome:P and tempting yummm yumm..
And and and the Proton Super Series Malaysian Badminton open will be going on in the Kuala Lumpur badminton hall from 16th of jan till 21st!! I hope i can get hold of some tickets hehehe i want to go there to meet some of my biggest idols!! Whee! hehe i know i know i'm over reacting. But cant help it. I'm [ A BIG BIG BIG badminton fan.]
By the way, I came across a section a star which features my all time favorite Malaysian designer!! The very very very good ZANG TOI!!!! ahhh i actually read every single word on the article. From how he first started out till being the very successful designer he is now. He actually have lotsa Top list hollywood celebrities being his loyal fans. From Eva Longoria to Sharon stone... Even World riches man" Bill Gates's" wife buys from him!!! .... One thing i love about his creations is the way he creates a luxurious and glamorous touch on each and every piece of his clothes. His perserverance is worth to be learned. Started of with nothing but ended up being somebody impressive!. Hehe Actually there is a bunch of other great great designers in Malaysia. Such as Bernard Chandran(His very very good looking!), Betrice and melinda looi, Key ng and many many more. Not bad not bad!
Finally i would like to wish MY BELOVED DADDY A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! love you lots:P You have been the one sacrificing for us providing us with the best things in life. Thank you so much for everything. I know that sometimes i can be rebelious and stuborn. I'm sorry and i promised you that i will be a better daughter. May all you dreams come true DAD.
Till then I'll leave you guys with some pictures. TATA:P

From one of the scenes of "The Haunted Apartment"

Material girls

Haylie and Hillary Duff

Love Wrecked

Wedding Crashers

Cuppacakes!! ahh i took this from their site

Koo kien keat and Tan boon heong

Malaysian Open!! took this from the BAM site hehe

My idol!! Zang Toi

His creations

Another one

One of his stores

My beloved dad and Joshiepoo

Happy one year and four day anniversary to my blog haha!:P tata
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 6:49 PM