♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, February 05, 2007
This song is so so so romantic
I watched american idol on channel 5 few days back and boy it was such a touching episode. Everything that sherman pore did was just so sweet and romantic. I'm very sure that the woman that he truely loved would feel real happy for what he had done eventhough shes passed away. Hmm it would be awesome if i have someone who will love me this much. *getting the lovey dovey mood. Anyways i'll leave it to god. Sweet or bitter, i'll accept life in any way. LOL:)
Didint really do much throughout the whole week. I spent my everyday lazing around, sleeping, eating, reading, baking, watching movies, listening to music and of course going online. hehe*winks I'm such a lazy pig! Met my highschool buddies and managed to catch up with them. Looks like everyone is doing great!. ALL looking real good! Hmm i supposed everyone do change after highschool. Especially when theres FREEDOM! Walk around and chatted all day long in City Square. Oh yeah hehe Christina followed us. I'm broke! LOL eiyer not supposed to spend so much but i ended up spending almost everything i brought that day. Bought a couple of DVD's, concealer,eyeliner, a magazing, 2 books and of course food for lunch! Sigh* Went back home after that and got ready to go out for dinner at Singgah Selalu. Man, it was hell windy. Food, tissues and of course lol our hair was being blown by strong winds plus the fans there! eikes* The weather was cold and windy too. Had a great time with the girls. Managed to cam-whore a little hehe as usual!:P...... Oh yeah! we were pretty unlucky on that day itself. A disgusting pervert was chasing after our car flashing and taking pictures with his mobile phone. Gosh it was a singaporean if i'm not mistaken! Luckily one of my friend sped and we managed to shake him off. It was freaky though. What an experience. Anyways watched " Night at the museum" on that night. Chatted throughout the whole night and of course our fav*eating maggi mee hehehe :)(I didint touch the noodles. Didint have appetite and was having gastric). Slept at 6 in the morning!. I was so sleepy on saturday after not sleeping much and having gastric. After all of them head back home, watched spongebob, flushed away, a korean drama and charlotte's web. Hehe hmm actually i was half sleeping and half watching so, didint really know what happened*oink oink:P Hmm sunday was rotting day Sigh*. It was boring! I couldnt go out coz dad and mum had some meeting going on the whole day. Thanked god they brought my out in the evening hehehe :) Chrissipu and Joshiepu were so so so adorable today hehe. Especially when they were both running around and playing kite*melts. Sigh* i'm so gonna miss them when i go up to KL bu the end of this month "sniffles":'(
By the way Daren tan is a great singer with cute look especially with the dimples. LOL okay i'm psycho.. My gosh and and and and Singapore won the football match against Thailand! Real shocker sial!.. lol Anyways great playing by the team eventhough The thai's were attacking hard. Aiyoh one more thing! how can Li Mao do this to our badminton team. Leaving us for the Korean club. Ish! Hopefully BAM will be able to solve the matter as soon as possible. Come on do something if not we wont be able to do well in other coming major tournaments..
Alright its was pass sleeping time hehehe... Gotta sleep now. Take care yah:)