♥ K a r i n a ♥ Sunday, February 11, 2007
I'm back for another post. Was pretty lazy to do one before this. Anyways Did many many things throughout the whole week. I baked some new year cookies, went for my driving test (which i passed. Yay! i dont have to use manual cars there anymore:p), Read , Went out, went out and went out..... Hmm It is indeed a pretty interesting week i must say. Since new year is around the corner, Dad and mum brought us all out to get new year goods. Tell you what, i'm so so so tempted to finish up everything. Yum yum. But better not... hehe , dont want to gain extra and unwanted fats. Bought everything that i need in KL too. I'm going there like tomorrow for orientation and to clean up the condo. It is going to be a long long week hehehe. But i'll be back on the 15th until after new year. Then, BACK TO BOOKS AGAIN!. *sigh You can imagine how i feel right now, especially when i havent touch any books for the past 3 months plus. All i did was lazing around and enjoying myself. I bet i dont even reemmber how to hold a pen anymore.. hehehe nah was just exaggerating a little. The one thing which i really enjoyed this week would be hanging out with my bestest bestest bestest buddies. Went out last friday to meet them at City Square. Time was spent catching up, gossiping, teasing, shopping and eating. LOLx Hmm sharveen certainly knows lotsa people. Its like, she'll say hi to someone everywhere we go. Popular girl huh... And dey dont forget your phone anymore. Amazing that your dad can call almost the whole world to find you hehehehe. I tought what happened to you. Almost gave me a heart attack. Bought a sunglasses, books,liquid foundation, sour tapes and some other stuff..I'm almost broke again.. *sigh when will i ever stop spending so much hehehe... Went to Sharveen's place after that to hang out and ate dinner. Gosh! her mum can definitely cook!... Everything was simply delicious. Went shopping again after dinner... hiahiahia... Bought the spongebob CD for Joshiepu. :) Played daytona in the arcade. Fuh Sharveen is surely the queen of racing lol... Took lotsa pictures with them at starbucks before heading home. Went to City square again yesterday hehehe. Ate lunch with them before meeting Thor. Watch "The Holiday" which was pretty good. It was romantic, hillarious,cute and sweet hehehe...Shopped a little. Bought four DVD's back(Barnyard, Employee of the month, Stomp the yard,Everybody's hero) which kept me occupied the whole night hehehe....Woke up like 12 today .. geez :s. I'm sucha pig lol First thing i did was going online. Watched some DVD's again. Before cooking roast chicken for tonight. Hopefully it turns out well hehehe.
Anyways, i have been feeling sorta down lately. Well just wanna take this oppurtunity to apologise to all my good friends and everyone out there. If i ever done or said anything wrong to any of you. Sorry yah. I didint mean it. Its just that i've been having so much of pressure lately. I cant always live up to all your expectations. Sometimes its just way beyond my ability. Hope ya'll will understand. Kinda screwed up my life and i definitely want my old life back. *sigh
Hmm wonder why so many people think that i'm some sorta "sombong", stucked up girl. Hmm probably its because i dont smile and talk so often. Well even if i dont, you do not have the rights to judge me this way. I'm not saying that i'm perfect or anything. Just dont judge me by the way i dress or look. Coz you all dont know me well.
And why is everyone making such a big fuss of valentines day??....Everything became so comercialised. Geez
The proton Malaysian Grand Prix is going on now... Hehehe Hopefullt Lee chong wei, koo kien keat & tan boon heong will do well. Till then, Take care alright:)