♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Here i am, typing a post after my so called eshausted sceduled everyday life of Monash University. Sometimes i wonder how unpredictable life can be. It appeares to be just fine at one moment of time and appeares likewise during another period of time. I'm a little stressed right now. I have a little confession to make. Theres actually not much similarities between me and the rest of the communication students. They are the people with wisdom, knowledge and definitely amazing when it comes to speaking or writing. When it comes to speaking and writing, I tend to have this tiny bit of fear of screwing up things. I know i've heard encouragements from various people on how i should work twice as hard to catch up with the rest. I hope that works because i still enjoy designing as much as i did before this. The transition is simply quite hard to accept. Anyways, starting off with chinese new year: I know i'm a little late but oh well:P. Everything was great( the food, the atmomsphere, the people, new clothes). We all started out our very first day of new year at daddy's hometown before heading to Penang on mother's side. Did lots of visiting and most of the usual stuff you usually do during new year. Overall it was fantabulous:).
Oh yeah, once again, Koo Kien Keat and Tan Boon Heong did it again by clinching both the All England and the Swiss Open Super series Title. They have beaten almost every top pairs in the world. I remember on how excited i was during the match of swiss open between Tony Gunawan, Chandra Wijaya and the fantastic duo of Malaysia. It was simply a nail-biting scene. Hopefully they will raise the standard of their games and achieve greater achievements in the upcoming events. Oh yeah! especially for the World championships which will be held In KL this year. It is something i'm looking forward to this year:).
My experience in Monash have been an interesting one. LOL i've met different people from all walks of life. But it seems so unfamiliar here. Most of the people tend to have their own clicks or either their loners. They are not as friendly as i've expected them to be. Alright, i'm not trying to conclude that Uni people are bad but there are great people too. hehe So no offence:) The lecturers are great. Mr Yeoh is ever so err how do you call that hehe "obscene" and hillarious, Mr Wong Chin Huat is pretty good and loves it when it comes to debating. Boy Its scary( Trust me). Everytime when he asks question, it seems hard to answer them. I knows that his intention is clear that he wanted to train us for the future. So, i wouldnt say that i hate Newsroom hehe. It is actually quite an interesting and fun class. Ms Clarissa is cute but hmm American pop music and culture is not as easy as i tought it would be because some of the music terms seems so unfamiliar. Ms Helen makes contemporary world quite interesting and she seems to be a very nice lecturer:). By the way my assignments are all due soon. I'm dead meat:s
Alright i've gotta go now dinner time. Tell you about my other great experiences some other day. Take care folks:P