♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, April 26, 2007
Addictive song. Love it!
Thursdays are always boring. LOL Woke up early for Contemporary world's lecture. Almost slept during the documentary. Went for lunch with the guys and rachel. Went back to Uni. Cam whored while waiting for rachel's class to begin. Went for a drink and came back home. LOL alright. My day was boring but at least i did something.
Met Kenneth. Talked a little. Out of the blue he goes like :"What is that over there?!!" Pointing at the black item lying next to the flower pot.
Guess what was it
lol it was already dead but totally gross
Having this mini party at the poolside tomorrow with some Uni mates before heading for steamboat.
Alright, i'm feeling a little tired right now. Time for nap!:) Take care