♥ K a r i n a ♥
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I'm sorry i didint have much time to type out a blog post. Assignments are piling up once again. I totally have to go through my sleep-late days all over again. *Sigh. American Music's assignment! finally passed it up today(Practically "Tembak" my way through LOL!). I had a pretty rough day. I must be real 'Smart' to choose American music as my elective. Darn! I hate it when it comes to musical terminologies. For every songs we listen to in class, there is always a couple of questions we have to answer. I struggled today as i'm not really a pro in it. I'll still at the stage of getting to know and understanding them. Thanked god we dont actually have a test together with the other major subjects. Coming back from the holidays =Tragedy! . Okay, probably i'm exagerrating a little. There are pros and cons coming back here. You see, KL=shopping!. So you get my point:) Well, to be honest, that is not entirely the reason. I have some pretty good friends here too *winks. The bad part is=You dont get home cook food(Food here is expensive and god knows why am i eating so much over here) Geez. That explains the extra weight gained. *Sigh. Not only that, the weather here is pretty unpredictable. You will never know what is coming up next LOL. I have been going out alot, learning alot, and attending events organized by the uni. Rachel's boyfriend came over and stayed for a couple of days. We spent thursday playing at the pool along with jason, alvin and sze. Headed to Murni *AGAIN! after that. I had like the medium size mango special plus the roti bacon. Went home with a bloated stomach. Then comes friday!=Midvalley. hehe went there after newsroom class (class was pretty interesting. He was asking us all the questions related to the topics we choose for our assignment). Ate at Annalaksmi and bought a bag there. Spent the rest of the time trying out different outfits hehe *bluek :PI really liked the gowns from Authur yen and summerset bay hehehe. Crap! Met up with my sister after that and got back home happily whee!. HIGHLIGHTS: Saturday was great. Attended the video making workshop. Learnt how to use the camcorder. Did our very first short film and learnt how to use the video editing software. Overall was great. Eddie, Meng Yoe, Dr yeoh, and Fikri was great! hehehe The most important thing is! We officially get the permission to use the media room. Me and Sze will be editing the videos shot during some workshop and during the COM bash. Hopefully it will turn out okay. The MTV live concert was next. People from all ages crowds the whole place. The bad thing is we left halfway. Couldnt bear with the mix scent *ahem haha you get what i mean and those craze fans. Yikes!. Went for supper at Mc Donalds after that before heading back home. Spent sunday at Sunway Pyramid. Sundays are always boring LOL. Had movie marathon for two consecutive days. Watched all the chick flicks hehe. Not going to talk about monday and tuesday because i spent both of the days doing assignments hehe.
I'm now cracking my head over all the other assignments. I have 2 due next week and some more due during the following week. Darn!
oHH yeah! one more thing haha... Media studies tutorial on tuesday was fun !. We had to create a newspaper with all the articles we want to put in it.
TOMYAM ! *Ahem
Anyways I shall post up some pictures and get to bed before getting swollen eyes . Have a great week !:)

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 2:08 PM