♥ K a r i n a ♥ Friday, April 06, 2007
I finally understand that being simple might not be a good thing. You will not be able to think further, you are easily taken advantage of, you believe in things easily... etc DARN! I think that is my biggest flaw. I am not a confident person because i am easily intimidated by people. Okay like wong chin huat said, we have to start thinking like a criminal. Hmm so i shall think like one from now on muahaha:). Well had contemporary world and journalism tutorial today. Gosh contemp was fun today. It was hilarious! We had to act out a larry king live show! LOL. Yash was Stalin, Sze was Wilson and Hiranya was Hitler. I was among the holocaust group. So we were tyring to bombard Hitler with questions BUT HIRANYA seems to be possessed by Hitler LOL. We were speechess :s. Ujval seriously have got to stop thinking that we're year 3 students. He love to bombard us with questions we have totally no clue of how to answer. Journalism was okay. Watched "The Shattered Glass". Pretty okay. Not as boring as i have expected it to be except for the fact that i was freezing in class. COLD... BRR....
Finally the week is coming to an end. Holiday time! Whee!. I'm finally going back home:). Really really missed them. Dad is picking me up from sunway. Yeah and the whole family will be there to watch the Formula one before heading back..
Gotta Meet a couple of my friends back in JB. Yeah ! More shopping, Hanging out, Dvd's, Sleepovers, Singapore........... Just by thinking of it makes me excited. I havent been having so much of fun in KL. Life is pretty hectic and stressful here.
You know, its hard to explain to people what kind of person you really are. People tend to judge according to how you dress and what kind of facial expression you have. I'm so sick and tired. Godness!
Alright then. Have a great weekend people:P Will post up photos soon