♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, April 02, 2007
3 Pretty good songs
Hey its APRIL FOOLS DAY!! HOW come theres not much fun at all?? No pranks?? No jokes?? Geez... I really missed those times where back then people actually took the initiative to play a harmless prank on someone just for the fun of it. HOho how boring life can be nowadays. People are all so busy minding their own business rather then finding time to have fun. Why why why!!.. Anyways Selina came over to my apartment again on friday . Had lotsa fun chatting, gossiping, watching victoria's secret fashion show, and catching up. Well Selina, You are always that special, inspirational and loving sister to me. Thank you for everything :) . I had a splendid time at Sunway Lagoon along with Jason, Alvin, sze, Rachel and of course my Sister. Gosh speaking of having fun ! First up would be the slides. It was hilarious LOL.... We had to carry our tubes to climb up the stairs over and over again to try out 3 different slides. It was exhausting * phew. I was half dead and selina , worst off , because she was carrying the lower part of the tube. Overall the slide was superfantabulouslyextremely fun! Oh yeah the funny part was Szejia getting punched by Jason unintentionally while going down the slide.LOL No doubt that the relaxation pool was one of the best part. BUT! the problem is, we had to pay an extra 5 bucks for every single tubes for the six of us. They should provide us with tubes for every single ride. Jason lost his specs half way through but managed to find it back. Not only that, he is 30 bucks richer LOL! he found them lying nicely on the ground underneath. How lucky that chap is:P I had fun entering the cave while getting ourselves totally drenched. You should have seen the sight of us screaming like one group of spasticated chickens. :s hehehe Anyways we headed for our very late lunch after that before heading to the dry park. Oh yeah, Selina simply love the spinning teacups. Oh and if you have ever watched UPTOWN GIRLS, you'll know why spinning teacups are nice:) Sat the pirate ship, roller coaster, the rapid thing, the cowboy boats ride LOL!, and maybe some other rides hehe I've got a bad memory. So do bear with me alright?:P. Went over to Asia cafe after that for dinner and a little action of pool and foosball. Spent the rest of the night resting, Talking to selina, and plenty of other stuff which i'm too lazy to type in *Bluek:). Hmm what can i say. Sundays are like shopping days:P whee! Had so much of fun shopping at sunway pyramid with Selina before meeting rachel for One utama!.. Met jason and alvin there too. Walked a little. Ate lunch and uhm walked some more heh:-) Bought two tube dress, an eye liner, a mascara, 2 hairbands and a couple of fancy shoelaces hehe( well just wanted to do something to my shoes). Jason left early and we continued walking. Rachel finally bought her SUNGLASSES! whee hehe. Alvin accompanied us until it was time for our movie. Watched just follow law. It was a film directed by Jack neo. Another pretty interesting film done by this impressive guy. I realised that he likes to blend in funny and touching scenes in almost all his films. There is always a moral value behind every movie made. I would give this movie 3.5 stars our of 5. It was a pretty good and enjoyable movie:). Rachel: Hoped your feeling fine after the outing. Dont worry about it because there are always ways on how to solve every conflicts. Chill babe:P
Going back to JB next week . Whee! I seriously missed everyone back home:). Finally i can find time to release all my stress. By the way, i still feel dumb being at class. *Sigh. I need help.... I've lost all my confidence. Help me find them back...
Asian badminton championship is coming up in JOHOR! and of course i'm definitely going:) *winks.
Alright, I gotta rest right now. my legs hurts lime hell. Darn! there are like blisters almost everywhere. Not only that, MY legs are swollen. *Sigh. Alright Goodnight people:) Zzzzzzz
I'll post up pictures when i managed to get it from Selina alright:) Took lotsa them