♥ K a r i n a ♥
Thursday, May 24, 2007
No doubt there is no perfection when it concerns human behavior. There is always a side we will not be able to see everyday but accasionally. Sometimes i wonder why does this occur. Fully aware of reality but yet, choose to believe in perfection. Call me silly or innocent, probably it is because of the protective condition i am being raised up in. I'm not trying to draw a conclusion saying that i am perfect or whatsoever. I never was.
I do know that I will never know how to make things right if i had not make these mistakes.
There is always the better side of humanity but it is entirely up to us to make the judgements.
Sometimes, fear arise. When your out there on your own. You have the make judgements, hoping you made it right. It does not always go as you wish but as you meet more people from different walks of life, you will learn naturally.
Because i was so afraid to step out, i am restricted and being kept in the dark of so many things. But, now i've grown and learnt.
There are different kinds of people out there. People who bitch about each other, people who smokes, drinks,clubs, had sex, hypocrites, Etc...
As I witness all these, I learn and restrict myself from doing the bad. If I see resemblence with any of these people, I will try to change for the better. If i did anything to offend anyone of you, I apologise. Did it unintentionally. For those, who still struggle to find meanings in life, dont worry. You will learn and realise that it is not so bad after all.
There shouldnt only be a "good world". It should be in both way. We will not be able to be independent and stronger if everything was so good.
Hmm okay LOL, better stop that.
By the way, so sorry for the hiatus. It is indeed a very busy week for me. Where should i start. Alright i'll talk about clubbing at Maison last saturday first. It was pretty fun and hot at the dance floor that night. It was great hanging out with rachel, Khairie, Kenneth, Marie& Poh, Kendrick, Bev, and Sze. :) Pretty much enjoyed myself. Actually, we were at Sanctuary first but it was too crowded. Packed with people. Left although music was great over there. Khairie dropped us home at about 5:30. LOL it was late.
Anyways, got up at 1 PM the next day. Headed to Subang Parade for lunch and a little shopping action. :) Yeap i know: Girls will always be girls *Grins widely
Went back at about 6:30. Spent the rest of the day resting and watching movies.
Headed to uni to finish up the video. Its done!Like finally!
Ate lunch at the Pink shop with rach, bev and sze before heading for media studies lecture. Went home and completed my media studies presentation for the next day.
I was nervous. This is the kind of fear i get before every presentation. LOL Met up with Alvin before my class. Err i supposed i just did okay. *Sigh... hmm well looking at the bright side, I finally did my presentation. Had dinner at the Pink shop AGAIN along with Eddie and Fikri. (Yeap they are our two most respected seniors) :) *Winks. Have been hanging out with them quite often lately. By the way, Eddie did show us one of his production : The Police Story, Man!. It was pretty good!. Hilarious too. I want to learn how to make short films like that. It was very creative of him to come up with something like that.
Fikri on the other hand, have great great achievements. Went to Korea (Probably to shot scenes or his short film is shown there). He make really good short films and he have one big and really good camcorder. Okay back to story, Gosh* they are so good when it comes to lame jokes. I simply could not stop laughing at that time. Well enjoyed my time hanging out with them.
Spent the rest of tuesday studying for My American music exam. It was torturous LOL. I was memorising and reading practically the whole book. Didint manage to listen to all the tracks in the radio program though. Slept at about four.
Exam was pretty good. *Winks. Ms Clarissa made things pretty easy for us. Thanked god:)Headed for newsroom after that. Left newsroom during or break and hung out with like 15 people at THE PINK SHOP AGAIN! It was fun talking to them :). Headed for tutorial after that. Watched this really pornish movie. *yucks which i dont even want to talk about it. It was a very very long movie. I was shivering in class. Brr* It was so cold.
Rotted at the foyer while waiting for my discussion with the debate group. I'm the third speaker.. Supposed to talk about media ownership and elaborate about it. Hopefully I'll do fine. Okay as usual, Kenneth=late, not picking up calls. Headed to THE PINK FREAKING SHOP AGAIN! for dinner with Khairie, Elaine and Mr Wan before going back. Spent the whole night surfing the net and chatting online. Slept at 3
I slept my way through contemporary world's lecture hehe. Tired! Tired:)
Ate lunch at Medan. Had this really really long chat with Rachel. LOL okay shes really one of a kind. Real fun to be with . Right DOINK? :P. Great to have her as my buddy. Headed to THE FREAKING FREAKING PINK SHOP Again! with Jason and Sze before going home. imediately drop dead on my bed. Slept for one hour and here i am! hehe:)
I found some sources that i can use for the debate tomorrow. Hope we'll do well. Good luck guys:)
Anyways I supposed there is nothing much left to blog about right now hehehe. Dinner time:)
Till then take care!
Illustrations from Happy Birthday: LOL its in chinese

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 5:07 PM