♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hey I'm back!!
Will be going back to KL tomorrow and class starts on monday. Ugh :s
I'll sum up the whole holiday to one word ="Great!"
I had fun.
Hopefully new semester will be great. I'm pretty excited about it:)
I just cut half of my curls and my fringe yesterday. lol! I need a change. So sick and tired of the old looking hairstyle. Need something new.
Got my contacts yesterday. Went for great dinner at sharveen's place yesterday. Food was fantastic. Auntie can definitely cook well:)
Ate Dim Sum this morning. Spent the rest of the afternoon watching china masters live on astro. Results are pretty bad. Lee chong wei fought well but Lin dan was in a better form today. Men's doubles was utterly bad. haha! God knows how they managed to get to the semi finals. Only Wong choong hann managed to get to the finals tomorrow. The game will probably belong to Lin dan. World Championship is next month. Still contemplating to go or not to go.
LOL okay there is nothing much for me to blog about. Till then, Take care:)