♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I'm so addicted to heroes right now lol. I'm finishing it soon. Its pretty good.
I change my mind about saying that i'm not looking forward for new semester next week. Actually I am. Cant wait to meet new people. :) The matter of fact is, I have been slacking and lazing around so much. I'm getting pretty sick of that right now. I want to get back to the healthy sleeping habits. Not like what i'm having now. Its bad. I know its bad, but i cant help it. *sigh I'm still a little sick. Hopefully it'll get better in no time.
The results are not out. People are getting anxious. But, I guess most of you will score well alright:) Dont worry so much.
I'm bringing my little sis for the premiere of Harry Potter tomorrow. It better be good haha
Okay then, I shall get back to heroes.