♥ K a r i n a ♥ Sunday, July 08, 2007

Uni's second semester is starting next week. Not as excited as the first semester. There will be more new students and things to come. Hmm I feel kinda reluctant to go back there again.
Alright lets move on to the better part. Had the best sushi for dinner on the green day. Food was great. Ambience was great. The crowd was definitely there (The majority was Japanese). I had a great time eating and enjoying the food there. The place is called "Yoaki". Live earth was on channel 5 the whole night yesterday and today. There was Rihanna (Yeah Joshua totally enjoyed listening to Umbrella. Now his singing non-stop) Kelly Clarkson, Bon Jovi and so many other big names. Great event i must say. I'm not going to say that you should do your part to help save the world. Its entirely up to you. But, think before you do. Oh yah! Did i mention I was totally in green yesterday. lol
Had steamboat and barbeue for dinner today. I lazed around the whole day watching Veronica Mars season 3!( I'm actually downloading the whole season. Sigh dont think I can finish downloading by the end of this week:(...) and had some spongebob episodes with josh and christ:) The barbeue was pretty oily. Dad made me swallow down 6 pills after the dinner. I ate and drank too much. sigh* more fats
Supposed to exercise but no one seems to be keen.
Okay then, I'll get back to my series:) Starting some other series soon. XOXO
The pony:) ahh simply adorable