♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, July 16, 2007

I finally cleared everything up. Things dont look as messy as it was. I feel a mixture of excitement and fear at the same time. Second semester started off pretty well today. Saw many new faces. I'm excited for the coming lessons of television studies. Looks pretty cool to me with sopranos, sex and the city and buffy and the vampire slayer being some of the shows we look into during the semester. Feature writing was pretty boring today. Spent almost the whole two hours staring into space and talking. First assignment's due in two weeks time. Sigh* everything is going on too fast.
I used to think that being nice to people would make them closer to you. Well, it turned out the other way round. I guess people are all just searching for someone who they can click with. I know I am pretty quiet when it comes to hanging out with people. It takes me quite some time to get used to people and open up to them. I dont deny that its pretty hard for people to understand. I have lots of friends but not many of them give a damn about my life. Sometimes people just need some attention to feel better. I do feel lonely sometimes but that didint really bother me because I turn to my family. I supposed, it's not worth being nice to the whole world if people dont care much about it.
Okay this is sounding a little pathetic.
I'll get back to one tree hill. Class starts at freaking 9! tomorrow. Sigh* I really dread morning classes. I'll blog again when the emo-ness is gone:) Till then, Take care
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 9:14 PM