♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Hey there. So sorry for the long hiatus. Have been pretty busy/ lazy lately:) Sigh Its been a long week. There were many thingss that went on. Overall pretty enjoyable i must say . Gwen Stefani's concrt was awesome! Shes a very professional singer. I really like her performances:).
By the way, I've been complaining about how lazy i was during the process of completion for the television studies assignment. Oh well, at least i still nevertheless managed to finished and pass them up. Was having trouble finding episodes from the sex and the city series. Wireless connection will not be very helpful when it comes to downloading. However, I still managed to watch a few episodes before writing my essay. The family came up last friday and i stayed with them during the weekends at sri cempaka. It was great seeing them once again:). I went to KLCC for 3 consecutive days. Which was totally insane. It was all great alright. Shopping, hanging out, eating and exploring places. Thanked god Miss thor was there. It makes thr outings even more memorable. Shes a very good friend of mine. Younger by a year but possess a matured behavior. She does gives out some pretty meaningful advices. Walked around the park in KLCC, Went to Aquaria( Beautiful place) and took lots of pictures (When i say lots=it means like hell a lot of them. I have over 140 pictures waiting to be posted here). I shall post out some today and continue tomorrow. Its pretty late right now.
everything will be alright the next day. However, it seems like they never did. Sometimes its pretty hard to control how you really feel. The journey of finding solutions seems tough but still reachable.
I'm still learning. Learning how to be stronger.
Okay then, I'll get some sleep right now. Take care :)

Gwen stefani's concert


More pictures tomorrow!!!
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 1:47 AM