♥ K a r i n a ♥ Sunday, October 28, 2007
This is a blog post from Xin Nee. Thank you so much. Muahh muahhh. lol I exceptionally love birthday gifts like that. It does not have to be something you use money to buy. My favorite would be personal made gifts or just a simple birthday message. :) It's just who I am. I find gifts like that more meaningful and special.
"Today is our photoshop expert, Karina's birthday. Haha... Karina, if u read this post, m gonna ask u to teach me more abt photoshop when i get back. So... be prepared!! haha... Anyway, hope u hav a reali fun day today. Stay pretty, stay funky.... and Good luck for ur exams. Hope u hav improve a bit in ur bowling skills. It's ok if u din, coz i will 'wash' d longkang with u, so dun worry. Ohyah, we muz go for badminton one day ya.haha..."
To Xin nee: I will teach you how to do some photoshop tricks when you come back from Australia. Dont worry. I did have a great time during my birthday. It was in fact the most memorable one. Hmm I'm not sure if I have improved in my bowling skills though. Probably not. Alright. We'll get into the "longkang" together. Promise yeah:). Sure will. What is Mufy without our badminton outings. I missed you guys so much. Thank you once again yah. Good luck for your upcoming finals. Hugs
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