♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sorry for the long delay of this post. Have been pretty lazy to blog. Lol kinda lost the interest in blogging. The holidays have been absolutely great so far. I watch shows, I play online games, I surf the net, I read books, I sleep late and eat at an amazing amount. I am definitely gaining weight. Sigh* all the unwanted fats.
Instead of going for a game of badminton last week, we ended up watching Beowulf in the cinema. The movie have got great effects but lousy storyline. Not my favorite movie this year. I'll give it a 6/10. On the same day, I took a night train all the way back to KL for the Sea Games competition interview. Guess what! I'm going for the Thailand Sea Games on December!. My biggest dream is to travel around the world to watch various sporting events and this is the beginning:) I am excited for all the sporting actions. Two great friends of mine coming as well. That doubles up the joy.
I have finally finished season 3 and season 4: up to episode 8 of grey's anatomy. Still waiting for episode 9. As the show gets older, the storyline seems to lack of a certain amount of interesting-ness. It gets pretty boring and dull. They removed some of the characters. Sigh what a waste :( The storyline seems to revolve around sex and extra marital affair. George's character doesn't look very energetic and attractive to me now. By the way, T.R Knight aka George O'Malley is gay! I didin't know. A pretty shocking news. Isaiah Washington aka Preston Burke got kicked out of the show for calling T.R a faggot at one of the set.
Christmas is coming, I'm feelilng excited. I see beautiful trees and decoration all over, even at home. I hear christmas songs playing. My christmas template will be up soon here. :)
Results of my first year is coming out. *Prays hard
Hopefully I'll score well enough.
Thats about it, I'll post out pictures soon. Till then:) xoxo