♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, November 08, 2007
Tagged by Alex:)
1. The phone rings,who do you want it to be?-Matthew McConaughey drools:) or anyone of you out there in KL:P
2.When shopping at the grocery store,do you return your cart?-hahahaha. HMm I usually leave the cart just beside the car:P I admit okay
3.In a social setting,are you more of a talker or listener?-Listener. I'm a pretty quiet person. Used to be real quiet, guess I've improved
4.Do you take compliments well?-Errr nope. Compliment phobic. I avoid compliments all the time.
5.Do you play Sudoku?-lol If I'm really bored. I do
6.If abandoned alone in the wilderness,would you survive?-Hmm maybe not. LOL if I'm not alone, its okay.
7.What song are you listening to?-Feist- My man my moon
8.Did you ever go to a camp as a kid?-A lot, My parents used to make me go for all sorts of camps.
9.What was your favourite game as a kid?-The game where you draw boxes on the ground and hop on it, Masak masak, haha there is so many
10.Are you single?-Uhm yeah I am. I'm just looking aruond for the right guy
11.Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?-Yesh. However it depends, I believe that we're all free to choose what we believe in. If i'm forced to do something, I probably won't
12.Do you like to pursue or be pursued?-Both. Depends. :P
13.Use three words to describe yourself.-Naive, conscious, Blur
14.Do any songs make you cry?-Err?? no. HAHA i do know someone who cries because of one last cry... laughs
15.Are you continuing your education?-Yes. Of course hahaha
16.Do you know how to shoot a gun?-Real gun?? Hmm not sure. But if it's just like the one in games, yeah hahaha:P
17.If ur house was on fire,what would be the first thing that u'll grab?-I'll save the people instead of grabbing on anything. I would've been to scared to even remember to grab stuff.
18.How often do you read books?-LOl I read a lot when I don't have much to do.
19.Do you think more about the past,present or future?-Past and sometimes I worry about what may come by in the future.
20.What is your favourite children's book?-Goosebumps hahahahaha
21.What color are your eyes?-Dark brown
22.How tall are you?-162/3 Not sure
23.Where is your dream house located?-Somewhere that has beautiful flowers and trees. More towards the nature. I want a house with a peaceful setting. I want to wake up everyday listening to birds chirping and water flowing.
24.Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?-hahaha uhuh. I dont like taking pictures from there though.
25.When was the last time you were at Oliva Garden?-?? err Oliva garden>>>???
26.Do you like mustard?-HAHA I know a lot of people don't but I do
27.Do you prefer to sleep or eat?-hmm probably eat. hehehe Food is my life. I'm a very light sleeper, so sleep is not really important to me
28.Do you look like your mom and dad?-hahaha yeah. the way i walk and some of my features resembles my dad. My eyes, mouth and some other features resembles my mum.
29.How long does it take you in the shower?-hahahaha Girls naturally bath longer then guys:p
30.Can you do the splits?-err no. I can't
31.What movie do you want to see right now?-1408! hahaha I am feeling horror right now.
32.What did you do for New Year?-I was out with my family and several friends. Went for dinner and countdown at some hotel.
33.Do you own a camera phone?-Erh yeah. But it's like an ancient phone hahaha I seriously need to change to one new phone.
34.Was your mom a cheerleader?-Erh haha nope. My mum was an athlete
35.How many hours of sleep do you get at night?-Everyday less then 6 hours
36.Do you like care bears?-eww. lol nope Disney used to show it all the time and it's annoying
37.What do you buy at the movies?-hahaha err most of the time i smuggle in candies and snacks if not it'll be popcorn and mineral water.
38.Do you know how to play poker?-Nope
39.Do you wear your seatbelt?-All the time.
40.What do you wear to sleep?-shorts, spagetti or pyjamas
41.Anything big ever happen in your hometown?-Big?? like crimes?? yesh johor bahru is filled with rape and rob cases. There was 2 rape cases which happened near my house.
42.How many meals do you eat a day?-err I dont know hahaha a lot. I eat everytime i'm hungry. Whoops
43.Do you always read frienster bulletins?-err nope haha. Hardly and when I do, I must be really bored
44.Do you like funny or serious people better?-Funny can be nice sometimes. You'll enjoy yourself if there are humorous people around you. However, Not everyday for me. It depends on situation.
45.Ever been to L.A.?-hahaha nope. Its in one of my places to travel. Hope to visit there in the near future.
46.Did you eat a cookie today?-Yeah I did. hahaha at the hari raya open house I went to just now
47.tag 3 people.
Jason Khaw, Selina, Lynette G