♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I really like this song.

Ahh yes. I'm sick. Just great. T.T
Oh boy and the *kind* neighbor from upstairs of mine is making so much of noise. Grr. They seems to be moving stuff every single day since day one of me shifting in. It was pretty creepy the other day because I heard shrilling screams of a women, loud footsteps and banging noises coming from upstairs. I wonder who lives upstairs above my room. Hmm....
The unbelievably long four months holiday of mine have officially ended on Sunday. I had a blasting time at Sunway lagoon with Phillip, Zhen Yang and Sze. The rides were fantastic especially the flume ride:) Spent the whole day there trying on rides from the dry, wet and extreme park. I guess the company was great. *smiles I still suck in pool T.T
Monday was a pretty tiring day. Had 3 lectures. Feel asleep at the last half an hour of the screening of Napoleon Dynamite. The movie is pretty silly. :o
Had some rest in the afternoon with a packet of caprisonne and the internet. Managed to cath Alvin and the chipmunks and a sappy korean romance film yesterday night. Alvin and the chipmunks is absolutely adorable. Pretty enjoyable. As for the korean film, err... yeah typical . Somebody dies and somebody cries. =_= hahaha
Had no class today. Supposed to go over to My grandparents but there was a slight change of plans. Dad came over to KL to pass me some of my expanded belongings. Had to get 2 novels from borders for Authorship.
1:The lover by Marguerite Duras
2: Aunt Julia and the script writer by Mario Vargas Llosa
Authorship sure is frightening T.T with countless of readings.
Alright thats about it. I should get some rest. Going for Film studies tutorial and a concert tomorrow. Take care everyone:)