♥ K a r i n a ♥ Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The 3 softwares that I'm currently addicted to.
1: Google Earth.
This is one really cool software. If your interested in astronomy or love searching for various places around the world. This would be the one for you. You can search for galaxies, stars and planets by switching to the sky mode. You can search for any places around the world by using the earth mode.

2: Adobe CS3 Extended.
Yes. I finally got myself a copy of this amazing software. Although this requires huge space on your computer but it's worth while if your very much into editing and designing. No doubt CS2 is good but this is even better. Features including: producing better raw images, 3D compositing and texture editing, movie paint and it supports and wider range of formats. I really like this one.

3: Anvil Studio
This is for people who enjoys composing tunes. There is a wide range of instruments available. All you need to do is just create them. I'm very new to this. Still trying to get used to the features. This would be a replacement for the piano at home since I'm living in KL lol.

4: Veoh TV
Ahh yes. I watch online shows from here. They have a wide range of channels, shows, movies, videos. You can easily download them as well. Sounds great eh??

5: Audacity
This is a music mixing software. Not the best but it's user friendly. This is the very basic software for mixing music. If your want something better, probably virtual DJ would be better. I'm new to mixing music as well. It is pretty interesting though.

The holidays is coming to and end. Honestly, there is nothing much for me to do here but still, I feel just happy. There are times in life when you feel that things are not going all smoothly for you. I guess, home would be the perfect place to seek for peace.
Nothing much to update about. Have been pretty busy with my assignments. There are at least 2 assignments to past up each week starting from next week.
I will be writing on Juno for my film studies assignment. Hopefully this will secure me a good score.
Till then, Take care everyone. Will be back in KL on Saturday morning.