♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, March 15, 2008

< Yes I know. I had class today=_= On a freaking Saturday. lol. Class was fun though. Watched a pretty good film for Mobile world's lecture entitled "The Namesake". It contains elements of migrants, marriage, family, cultural imperialism and love. I enjoyed the movie. It was hilarious at some scenes and there were several pretty touching scenes as well. 7.5/10
Went out for another movie outing just moments ago. Watched "Horton : Hears a who" Lol. It was so silly that it made the whole film so hilarious. Yes I like animated films as well. It is not easy to make an animated film. 7/10. Aaron was kind enough to pay for our tickets:P
You know what I do when I'm feeling sad, stressed or bored?
This----->, Click
Isn't it cute?? lol
This----->, Click
Quite challenging.
Ahh yes. I play online games.
Okay. Just a short update. I'm should be going to my grandparent's place tomorrow.Till then, have a great night everyone:)