♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, March 17, 2008
Just came back from Asia Cafe not long ago. Had a pretty good time just talking to the girls. I'm pretty glad that I have them up in KL with me. Well, living alone outside is certainly not easy. Occasionally, you face problems, and when there are people who can make you laugh and cheer you up, it makes problems seems so much smaller. I guess I am blessed. I might not be one of those popular kids or social butterflies who seems to have endless amount of friends. However, I guess what I have now is enough to make me feel great and lucky.
I'm missing the two little siblings of mine. Going back to spend some quality time with them. Hearing their laughters and voices is something I'm looking forward to. Yes. I like the fact that they are innocent and pure. Kids don't really bother about what they come across. It's very easy to make them happy and yes they are adorable:) I tickle, watch cartoons and have so much of fun with them. (Ahh, I'm an old fart T.T)
Authorship is one killer subject. We all had problems understanding the never ending theories, poems, novels..... Sigh. Alright I shall get back to the novel that all of us are supposed to complete by Wednesday. Have a great night everyone:)