♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The weather have been pretty unpredictable lately. It was all sunny and scorching hot last week and it's all dark and gloomy this week. Sigh. The weather certainly is not doing anyone good. Having to complete the novel by tomorrow simply makes matter worst. All I think about is to lie on my bed and sink deep into a perfect dream. In order to compensate all the sleep I have been missing out on. I finally managed to get plenty of sleep yesterday night. Woke up this afternoon just right on time for lunch. Had this really good Pork noodle at Subang. Great recommendation Rach:)
The meeting for the Monash performing arts club was great. We had several ice breaking games to get to know one another. Went to Asia Cafe once again right after the meeting. Oh well, It's a pretty slow moving day. Tomorow would be the last day of class. It would be hell week after the holidays with tons of assignments awaiting to be completed. But for now, I guess I'm just going to have some fun during the holidays.
I know I got tagged but I'm pretty lazy to do it right now:P Alright back to Aunt Julia and the script writer. Take care everyone:)