♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, April 28, 2008
Sorry for the lack of updates. Yeap. The usual thing. Busy busy busy!
Anyway, I am absolutely happy that the dancing crew did an amazing job during the Monash Street carnival this year. The amount of time spent practicing----> worthwhile. The friendship I found from there is simply valuable. We had so much of laughters and joy being around each other. It's just like being in one big family. Glad that our choreography works like magic.
The carnival started out a little boring at the beginning but turn out differently at night as there were more people and more great performances going on. No doubt that it is not easy putting up such a big event like this. I give credits to the MUSA members.
labor day holiday is coming. The family will be up. At least I can take a short break from all the assignments. Second year is a tough nut to crack.
I just watched the weirdest movie called Gummo during my film studies lecture. I had a hard time trying to figure out what the movie is all about. Well, the outcome----> 0 I have absolutely no idea.
Psycho was so much more predictable (An Alfred Hitchcock's film). The scare effect in the movie is pretty mild I would say. haha Comparing to many of the thrillers these days. Ahh yes. Technology. But it's pretty good.
Thats all for now. I'll try to post out pictures soon. Till then, Have a great week ahead:)