♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The sense of satisfaction emerged upon the submission of the authorship assignment. Never knew that romantic poetries are difficult to analyze on. Consider the fact that all the methods are viable but problematic. Like what Dr Andrew said that this is definitely not a second year subject. I absolutely agree with that. The sleepless nights and languorous days have finally paid off. We are now touching on a new chapter on autobiography, biography and autobiographical novels. The relationship and differences between them. As usual, there are problems with all 3 of them. They say that artistic people think differently and so much in-depth. 0_0
Okay, I shall stop talking about Authorship. Don't really want to turn my blog into an educational one. =_=
Anyway, I had a blasting time during Natasha's 20th birthday. It was a last minute decision (Since it was Nat's birthday, yeah We all went:) ) Twentyone Bar is a place of great ambiance without a doubt. However,It wasn't all that great as the crowd was overwhelming (We were all surrounded by people just like a can of sardines) lol.
Swiched places. (To Maison). I was already tired. Had some dance and cam-whore session before heading back home.
Alright. I have an early class tomorrow. Till then, have a great night everyone:)
Here are the pictures of the party from Simon and "Hub" Liang. There are a lot of random shots(I had one with me yawning. Lol I'll save some of them for my own viewings :P. Yes I yawned in a club=_=). Some appears pretty blur.