♥ K a r i n a ♥ Friday, May 30, 2008

You know. I honestly hate the feeling of being guilty. If only people could be more honest to one another. Things would have been so much more easier. It beats gossiping and allowing them to find out things they shouldn't know. You spend time trying to salvage situations which has already been an utter mess. If things don't work out. You spend time feeling guilty and sorry what you have done or said. Oh well. People should be honest about how they feel for each other. If there is anything your not satisfy on, don't gossip but to tell that person directly in a polite manner (Not rudely). No harm trying unless if that certain someone completely rejects criticisms (Which is pretty rare) You know, it is only recently I found out that being honest is not completely bad. I used to have that coward side of me that further aggravates situation (I am afraid of revealing my inner thoughts or hurting anyone) Such behavior does not help at all. The more you hide, the more people will find out.
Oh by the way, I am not just referring to bad habits but other human feelings as well. Be honest to what you feel.
The futsal session went on well yesterday. The feeling of excitement and enthusiasm was there. Everyone was enjoying and laughing their way. Alright, I might not be a professional futsal player or the best out there but I still tried lol. Beats sitting down and doing nothing right?
Ahh yes and thanks to liang, we had transport for lunch, cendol, dinner and going back home. yay! cendol was awesome. Thank you so much:) I won't fight so much for the properties anymore since your being good lol
Yikes. I'm not progressing much in the assignment due soon. Ugh. The internet is distracting me. Ahh yes virtual world. As much as I want to admit that the virtual world is superficial, I just can't help it but to continue using. It's simply hard to explain.
Ok. I need to stop now lol. Back to business. Have a great weekend everyone:)