♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, May 22, 2008
The only thing which I did not like about going back to Johor would be having back the gastric attack which I haven't had for years. I had one on Saturday night. It was pretty bad: I had to bear with the pain throughout the whole night. It got better the next day with medication.
Now I'm back at square one. Grr I'm down with fever, migraine, flu and cough. wth=_= I just thought that this week would be a great one and now this...
Anyway, I skipped PR yesterday and mobile worlds today. Ugh Now I need more time in catching up with what I have missed. I am quite satisfied with my film studies assignment's mark.
ugh and David Cook won American Idol as expected judging from the online voting. I'm not practicing favoritism here but I do think that David Archuleta deserved it more the Cook mainly because we already have a lot of rockers in the music industry and you won't be able to deny the fact that Archuleta did much better as compared to Cook in the 3 final performances.

As for the outcome of Thomas cup. As expected, China won the Cup yet again. I really think that Malaysia would give a better challenge to the Chinese team as compared to the Korean team. We have the potential of winning in fact. However, it is sad that the draw of the Cup turns out to be a bad one for the Malaysian contingent. What a waste. sigh......
Anyway, just a short update. I'll be back for more:) Have a great day everyone. As for now, I need some rest.
Ps: Selina, lol well when you come back to Malaysia I'll cook for you hehe. Thats for sure and we'll do all the things that we missed out on. Take good care of yourself and see you soon:)