♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sigh. I have never felt so sad losing something before. Some idiot stole the camera during the trip to France (My mum and Selina) T.T The fact that it is in the hands of some bugger in a foreign country bothers me even more. I hope he suffers with massive diarrhea for one whole year.
I wonder when can I get a new one. * Cries

I'm done with theories!! No more foucault, barthes, Psycho, Duras, Shelley!
* Tears of joy. =_= wth
Went over to bukit bintang for shopping therapy lol. Ahh yes. Pavilion is the epitome of designer's goods according to XELA lol! Epitome is so the word of the day. It was pretty fun except for the unintentional spendings and the extra blisters on my foot T.T Tomorrow!! Movie !!
I'll update some more tomorrow. I have so many overdue pictures. I'll just post out some food pictures :P
I'm so so so sleepy right now. Take care everyone:)

The pictures are taken with my horrible Motorola V3XX. Grr