♥ K a r i n a ♥ Friday, June 27, 2008
Lets just say I that I have been watching a lot of films lately (Ranging from various genre) Oh yes movie marathon is it. To be honest, I did have an absolutely good time ever since the holiday started.
I shall start with the outing with XELA, GNAIL, and AIJ EZS. It was Mid valley this time round. Had some shopping action and a movie.
Made of Honor was a pretty good film to be exact. Who would mind watching something that will make you go all warm and fuzzy on the inside. That was how I felt watching this film. The narrative of the film makes perfect sense. The settings are beautiful. The actors are pretty good looking as well (Without a doubt that girls would go crazy over Patrick Dempsey. Mc Dreamy). It is a twist of comedy and romance.
Made of Honor revolves around Tom and Hannah, who have been platonic friends for 10 years. He's a serial dater, while she wants marriage but hasn't found Mr. Right. Just as Tom is starting to think that he is relationship material after all, Hannah gets engaged. When she asks Tom to be her "maid" of honor, he reluctantly agrees just so he can attempt to stop the wedding and woo her. (IMDB) 6.5/10

Bowling was after that. Gosh! I finally improved although it was merely just a little. * jumps jumps jumps. We were there when they had the glow in the dark bowling thing. It was pretty cool except for the fact that Techno music filled the atmosphere =_= XELA improved a lot indeed. Nintendo Wii bowling game sounds interesting.

Zang Toi's Cafe serves good food *drools. Sitting at the cafe of my idol definitely feels great. He is a man of high fashion and is definitely a big fashion icon from Malaysia.


I'm now back at home. Just had a movie and shopping outing this afternoon with the SIGS girls. Ahh yes. Spent hours just catching up. Everyone looks amazingly different. They all look great:)
Get Smart was hilarious lol! We were laughing so hard in the cinema. It is crazy funny. Go watch it for a good laugh. Oh yeah it is a mixture of action, comedy and romance. It is actually quite good. I enjoyed it a lot.

Steve Carell is funny!
Ahh yes that should be about it. I will have more soon. Sonia's birthday celebration tomorrow. yay! More pictures will be up. I don't have much with me right now. Have to get it from the rest. Till then, have a great weekend everyone:)