♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, September 08, 2008
I shall just summaries the prom to be a rather interesting one. I would say that I like the company the most. The whole event was average to be exact. Ministry of Sound on the other hand was too crowded. The place was packed like a can of sardines lol I have been rather busy with assignments lately. Ahh yes. The usual complains you see on blogs. There seems to be never ending amount of work. Foucault, Karl Marx, Althusser!! =_= Will never be able to escape these names. Philosophy is interesting indeed once you get a gist of what their theories are about. I'll just post our pictures since I'm pretty lazy to write:). Till then, have a great week everyone. Oh wait! The braces is finally out:) lol I have this love hate relationship with it. Now it feels weird not having them on :S haha The retainers looks damn canggih. It's translucent. You won't be able to even see the retainers on my teeth. I went back Johor last weekend specially to take them off. Had some family time too:)