♥ K a r i n a ♥ Friday, October 10, 2008
It's been a long time since I last left something here on my pretty much abandoned blog. It seems to me like the blogging days were already dying out. Instead I spent my time doing so many other things. I'm here to ensure that spiders webs don't overcrowd my blog space :P Alright, back to my original intention of blogging again. Ah yes! I have finally completed most of my major assignments except for Global Culture, which the very troublesome online discussion just ended. Second year seems tougher than ever. I don't think I will be able to imagine how third year will be like. I should be flying off to Australia if things go well early next year. Boy I sure I can't wait. So many things have happened within these wonderful two years here in Monash Malaysia. Good or bad, I have grown emotionally stronger. The thing about living alone without the family is a whole new experience. My opinions on things have change as well thanks to the fact that I have lecturers guiding me and teaching me the never ending theories of life and the world. At least I think I will probably not be as naive as I was when I first set foot at Monash. My perception to life has changed as well. The friends I made here is great thanks to Xela, Hub, and yes Minni lol. Even though it has just been a short two years, but I have grown to like everything. It is here that I come across the various people of different walks of life. It is here that I realised how much it is to actually have good friends around. It is here I have learnt to let go of my past.
Thank you Monash. :) I might not be one of the most popular girl here, but at least I have people who actually cared and thats all that matters. Life is so much more than that.
Here I come Australia.
Anyway, mid-semester break was great. I went back to Johor for some family time as usual. LOL I won't deny that my blog seems rather family orientated. Oh well. Went over to Sentosa, Singapor. Stayed one night at the very nice Siloso Beach Resort. Toured around and had some cycling action at East Coast Park. It all went on well:)
I have been spending alot of time with Minni, Alex and Yijun lately for our TV production and boy I sure had fun. lol
I shall leave some pictures here. Till then, have a great weekend everyone:)