♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, November 24, 2008
I am definitely back on track. Life's tough but I can go through this. Sooner or later, I'll be fine again. I'll just post out some pictures of the function I attended with my parents and the outing today I had with Sonia and Szejia. I'll be busy for the rest of the week. Going out with Phil on Wednesday, going up to KL again on thursday to attend Brickfield's Annual Ball and to celebrate Jessmine's birthday. A busy week indeed. Till then, have a great weekend ahead :)

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, November 22, 2008
Despite everything that has happened, I have edited some pictures on things that I have done recently.
First up would be the Penang trip:
I had so much of fun trying various Penang food, exploring the places, and the company was great.
This trip was just what I needed after the exams.

Next up, Shopping at pavillion:

I'm back in KL again. Went shopping at KLCC yesterday night. Ugh I hate taking the train from Maluri to there. The walkway towards Maluri station sucks.
Thats all for now. Till then, have a great weekend everyone:)