♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It just hit me that the night of 14 February is approaching. With just 3 more days to pack and proceed with my final preparation, procrastination seems to hinder my original plan of preparing early. Sigh. I really need more motivation to pack. I really hate packing. I certainly am looking forward to a whole new experience at this cosmopolitan country.
You are absolutely welcome to send me off at the airport on that night. Hehehehe!!
My last trip to KL was great. Managed to meet up with Alex, Wei Liang, Joe and Jessmine this time round and boy it was fun. I tried out the Gold Class cinema at One Utama when The Pink Panther 2 was shown there. The film was pretty hilarious. Steve Martin sure is a great comedian. Other than that, I had a karaoke session with Jessmine. It was funny taking random shots and cam-whoring there. Thanks for everything my friend: ). Went to Weiliang’s house to transfer the pictures he owed me ages ago. Met up with Alex and Joe after that at The Prince café before heading to Mc Donald’s for more catching up. We ended the night by playing pool at Subang Jaya. This lasted until 4 am. It was funny being the only girl there hearing the guys talk about gaming and football.
This might be the last post from me written in Malaysia. The next time you hear from me would be coming from the sunny land. I will just post out a few pictures. The editing takes forever. Be patient yah. lol
Stay tune for more pictures from today’s outing I had with Alvin and Jason to a lot of old pictures taken from Wei Liang’s computer. Have a great week everyone. To all my Malaysian friends, I love you guys. I will miss each and every one of you so much. Take care and keep in touch.