♥ K a r i n a ♥ Wednesday, March 04, 2009

First post from the land of Australia. This was supposed to come in ages ago but I unintentionally left it undone. The plane ride to Melbourne was quite a pleasant one other than the fact that I had no sleep at all that night itself. Watched quite a few movies on board which includes Nights at Rodanthe. It was quite a romantic movie but not exactly entertaining. The feeling upon landing was just great. Excitement was the feeling I had as I am about to experience a whole new life here and this is true. I have not had any day which I completely hate since day one (Minus the fact that we had to handle a pissed off bus driver and the cold weather). The weather here has been cold since day one of arrival and it seems to be getting worst these days.
Clayton Campus: This campus is great because it has literally everything. It's the biggest Monash campus and I enjoyed my time during orientation. Getting to know people like Zax, Kane, Aric and gang, Laura and so many more was just great. These are a bunch of nice people I had so much of fun hanging out with. Orientation was a blast! We had so many activities organised for us. Red Scooter was one of the highlights of the whole program. I am waiting for the pictures taken by the photographer to be uploaded before I post them here. Gotten much closer to people like Yijun and Joyce as I spent a lot of time with them.
Gippsland Campus: I was pretty reluctant to leave Clayton at first considering the fact that I have already gotten used to the lifestyle over there. Never would I have imagined that I actually enjoyed Gippsland as much as I did at Clayton. Let me tell you why. (Ignore the fact that people have been saying that it's a God forsaken plac. It is not. ) The people here are so friendly and well-mannered. I made more friends than ever. There was something rather funny which happened right here when we were about to head back home from Mid Valley at Morwell. We missed the last bus back to Monash but thankfully, there was this Bus Driver (Who already knocked off from work/ who was also a farmer), he sent us back using a farm truck. We literally headed back with one whole big bundle of hay at the back 0.0. It was a free ride:). You can neverget free ride at Malaysia without getting robbed or raped. The activities organised by the RA's and ISA are fun as well. Met tons of people from Malaysia (Kai, Ching Yee etc.). Gippsland has brought a lot of people closer to me as well. (Mei Yii, Zeming and Joyce- I enjoy all the little card games, hang outs, chats and cooking session we had:P) . My housemates are pretty awesome people as well (We have Jackie (the Hong Kong dude), Andrew (The Singaporean dude), Alba (Singaporean girl). Still waiting for the vacant rooms to fill up:).
I'm so excuted about the unit I choosed this semester on Photography!
I have only been here for almost 3 weeks but have already been to so many places and this includes; Melbourne Zoo, almost all the streets at the city, Victoria Market, St.Kilda (Beach, Luna Theme park, restaurants), Lygon street, Phillip Island, Morwell, Traralgon and so many more.
The shopping here is heaven :) The Australian fashion: Vintage and Bohemian. I really love them! Bardot, Sports girl, Supre, sidewalks and everything else are just AWESOME!
Alright Here are the first set of pictures I took. There will be more to come (More friends, random people, buildings and scenery). I have over 2000 overdue pictures. Need more time to edit. Till then, have a great week ahead everyone:)