♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Good or bad?
I don't usually have the habit of taking sides even when it involves the good friends around me.
I only believe in judgments based on both side of the story.
I only believe in being rational and not bias.
I don't see what is wrong with that.
Why am I being questioned for that? Does friendships only involves lies and sugar coated words?
Honestly, it makes me feel vexed. I don't like being in a situation that requires me to change just because the world is all about accommodating to one another even if it involves wrong doings.
Alright enough said.
Moving on.
I have a love-hate relationship for Australia. Love it because of all the 'sinful' fun I have been having since arrival. Hate it because I find it awfully challenging to keep track on school works and maintaining my attention span in class. I often allow distractions to invade my study time without much resistance. Sigh.
On a lighter note, the Gippsland folks have been addicted to having house parties and boy it sure is funny every time we have one. The Asians and the Caucasians would come together for some beer pong, king cup and strip poker actions. It sure is funny to watch every time a person gets drunk. hehe I like being the paparazzi of the group--> snapping all the pictures and recording videos of people. *Evil Grin * eee Don't come after me *runs*
haha The great things I have achieved since coming here:
1: Cooking skills---> hehehe I usually cook meals that has a fusion twist. Western/European and Asian. Thank you to the five people who have been the guinea pigs of my experimental dishes:) awww. woo Karina Oliver in the making -_- hehehe kiddin.
2: Badminton skills---> The people here are rather skillful in badminton I must say. We have a former national junior player from Malaysia, A former Singapore badminton player and so many other potential players playing. It is without a doubt that I get motivated every time we have our games each week.
3: Steet smart---> Well haha not exactly but at least I remember streets now :P I never had good sense of direction so hehe please give me some credit :( At least I'm trying lol.
Shifting to the city soon. Time is passing by fast. So much to do. So little time for them. Sigh
The family wants me back in Malaysia during the holidays. Contemplating to go back or not considering the fact that my initial plan was to stay here. I do miss them dearly though :'(
Chrissipu, Joshiepu and long legs--> If your reading this, Curry misses you guys very much.
Dad and Mum sent Pete away because nobody had time to take care of him without telling me. I missed my dog too :(
eee The weather is not helping at all.
okay. I'll stop being an emo brat. lol Shall post out some pictures as promised. These are from the last outing with the guys at the city. Have a great week ahead :) XOXO