♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, May 28, 2009
It's always funny to hear hungry stomachs growling for food when it's all quiet.
It's so so so adorable :)
Timi and Mimi hahaha.
Anyway, I'm finally done with the second wave of assignments. I smell freedom. wuu~! Spent my after-assignment days on pampering myself with food (Yes for some strange reason I get hungry in every two hours ever since the starting of the second wave assignments), I did my nails, hair treatment, went partying, watched the movies and series downloaded donkey weeks ago, and cooked a lot. THERE WILL BE MORE TO COME. (Gippsland's Birthday Bash Party- Farewell party for all students leaving the campus (Including mua), House parties, outings, and and and Philip Island with Gavin and gang on Monday. How exciting!)
Bryan came over to Gipps last weekend and boy it sure was fun :). Gavin and Jem tried playing a prank on him but failed miserably. We played balderdash (Bryan was so good in this that it made us looks bad;p, Played Dai di- It was all between Bryan and Zem dawg (Scary :O), explored places in Gippsland which I have never even set foot in since arriving here, Had KFC, my pork chop meal and Rasa thai, Watched Quarantine and Jerry Mcguire (The movie I watched donkey years ago. I now find it not that great anymore. The notebook appeals more to me), and spent time talking and hanging out.
These are the remaining pictures courtesy of Mei Yii, the awesome photographer. The fancy dress party pictures are all on facebook. Needless do I have to say how great it was. Music+the girls+the friends+booze+pictures+wacky costumes= FUN!
hehe Have a great week ahead everyone :)
69 extra extra large pictures ahead !