♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, August 22, 2009
This is what I did after reading some of the required readings and starting off the introduction of my first assignment this semester:
Reading back my old archieves:
I laughed so hard reading them. Geez My blog posts used to have like gazillions of full stops (Alex lol!), weird icons, quotes, and boy how colorful they are (It hurts my eyes) :S.
Those weird ass emotional moments, weird ass jakun/sakai moments. Eeks It felt quite weird and gross at the same time. *Laugh out loud.
I rarely blog these days (Sigh. I dont exactly enjoy blogging as much as I did before this). It feels like my routine have been the same for the past few months. Funny that I dont exactly have much to write about. Anyway, I'll go straight to the point I'm trying to get here. I have the biggest decision to make right now (Regarding if I would stay back in Australia). I did spend time thinking and looking at options that might be viable.
1: Doing a second degree. (Aus)
2: Doing honours. (Aus)
3: A post-graduate diploma---> Then Masters. (Malaysia)
4: Signing up for short courses (Photography, art course linked with the fashion industry and graphic designing). (Aus/Malaysia)
5: Working in Malaysia.
It's quite difficult when everything is thrown at my face forcing me to make tough decision. I have to take into consideration of every single detail. All decisions involves people around me.
I really do love living in Melbourne but at the same time miss everything I have back at home. It just hit me that I'm no longer the little girl I used to be. How convenient it used to be having dad and mum help making every possible decisions for me.
It really feels different not having the family here.
I'm not at home to book the premiere of Harry Potter and all the other possible movies Christina and I would fancy every year (sigh)
I'm not home to eat breakfast (The usual nasi lemak and otak-otak) with dad and Selina.
I'm not home to teach my brother and help my maid if my brother don't eat or bathe.
I'm not home to eat the usual "Saturday Bakuteh".
I'm not home to talk and drive mum around to run errands.
I'm not home to accompany dad and talk to him.
I'm not home to accompany grandma and grandpa.
I'm not home to talk to both my sisters. (We used to share so much. The age gap between me and Chrissipu is big but we are close and Selina?? what else can I say. We are literally twins)
It really feels weird.
On the other hand,
I love the lifestyle here in Australia. I can see myself living here for a long time.
I like how everyone here is helpful and look out for one another.
Cupcake lol.
Ahhh life.