♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, September 28, 2009
Greetings from Malaysia(:
Everything has been great so far (Especially the food). The weather is super hot though :S. Heard that it rained everyday at Melbourne.
I'll let the pictures elaborate what I have been doing lately back at home..
Have a great week ahead people (:. Will be back soon

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, September 17, 2009

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, September 12, 2009
Daddy Ng is the awesome-st daddy ever. :) I bet you enjoyed your huge Tgi Friday party (Chrissipu) ;p It makes me happy seeing the pictures.

Anyway, I just had dinner and having a break from my oh-so-hard assignment. Totally agree with Kenneth on how tough this subject can be. I am so sick of theories that I feel like burning those books in my room. *pulls hair* hoho Another weekend at home. Wait! no! The weekdays as well.
Just great.....
Oh well. Beyonce's concert and the Moonlight Oasis prom is next week. It shall be my oh-so-deserving break before I slog my butts off on another wave of major essays and the FINALS.
Ahh. Aite. Imma get back to churning out words. Have a great weekend :)
As the years past, you take a minute and look back; all the parties, friendships, embarrassing moments that you now laugh about, all the hardships that you went through that you realized only made you stronger, the people, memories, and unforgettable moments that you shared. And with all that you realize you will never forget these years.