♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, October 26, 2009
21 oh how dreaful the number may be at first considering the fact that it is the age of adulthood.
I change my mind on that :D. It's definitely not all that bad. I had the most memorable Birthday of my life thanks to the people around me. I sincerely love each and every single one of you.
October 25 started off with a pleasant surprise from dearest Bryan:
Thanks for the wonderful cupcakes my dear(: I can see the effort you put in making them and it's definitely not easy considering the fact that it's probably your first time baking. They are superrrrrrrrrr dee duperrrr delicious hehe *grins like there's no tomorrow haha. Not forgetting the roses ( ahh my favorite once again *beams) and Cheesels and the video. yay! to the days I have been with you. <3 lots

Szejia, Alex and Kelvin Chai surprised me at the park with lanterns ( haha I know I have been talking about lanterns for months. Thanks for remembering) and fire crackers (I love them too).We left the park after a while. Had cake and junkies at home. They then showed me a video which consists of messages from all the people I love.
Thanks for spending time on planning my birthday (Szejia and of course Alex) haha I know you guys spent endless nights editing and putting everything together. I am thankful for that. Cheers to the long lasting friendship. I love you guys (:. Lynette!! you too for making such an awesome video. I know you put in a lot of time and effort in making this. It made me happy. *hugssss

Daddy, Mummy, Selina, Chrissipu and Joshua(: My biggest love. hehe Thanks for the birthday wishes. I can't wait for December.

Thanks for all the messages, calls and presents. I am a super happy 21 year old girl/woman (Bleh) haha