♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, November 10, 2009
It is not fair that people can't have the best things in life all at once. When one comes, the other goes.
People come and go but it's not fair that the friendships I held so dearly to my heart are slipping away from me. People changes according to time and I can't help but to feel upset over the lost of times we once had. How I miss those moments. I'm not saying that everything that I have now are not what I yearned for but sometimes people never stop wishing that they could have everything. The fact that we will never be fully satisfied forms the greed within. (It's frustrating thanks to the notion of perfectionism)
ahh how strange.. It would be great if everything is instantly solvable.
One more chapter and I'm done.
One more exam and I'm done.
Sonia's coming this Friday. Alva san is coming this thursday.
yay! (: we shall have all the fun as part of our reward for studying.
Hello Bikinis and beaches, shopping, movies, Karaoke, Parties, Mufy aussie gathering......
One step closer towards graduation.